(Scripted and edited by V.D.N.Rao)


Ganaanaam tvaa Ganapatigm havaamahe kavim kaveenaamupashravastamam, jyeshtha raajam Brahmanaam Brahmanasapat aa nah shrunootibhih seeda saadhanam/ Rig Veda 2-23-1

Each and every Hindu with belief of Dharma, irrespective of caste or gender, wakes up from bed in the morning remembering  Ganeshwara to ensure that through out the following day and night sleep into the bed, should pass off without obstructions , hurdles or mishappenings and with contentment, be it from family, surroundings and society, without no shows of  evil energies. Equally significant is that all Hindu families all over the world do unfailingly perform the Vinayaka Chaturthi Vrata on the Shukla Chaturdhi of Bhadrapada Month each and every year religiously with faith , dedication and austerity. Invariably the Vrata irrespective of caste, creed and by man-woman-child and social barriers is observed to one’s own devotion.. Not only this but Ganesha Smarana is a ‘must’ preceding  all the Devata Vratas, Yagjnya Karyas, upanayana-vivaha-and auspicious deeds like Griha Praveshas, and even all social functions- be they Shravana- Pathana – Shraavya- Nartanaadi Kalaa related ones to ensure their successful completion.

Ganesha is the singular symbol of auspiciousness, endeavour and success with the primacy of worship from Tri Mutis downward to charaachara jagat. He is the very essence of the  entire Universe which is surfiet with  Tapatrayas viz. Adhi Bhoudika- Adhyatmika and Adhi Daivikas; Ishana Trayas of  Praaneshana, Daraa- putra- dhana – sukheshana and Dharmeshana; Trikaranas of Mano -vaachya karmanas; Trikalpa Kaalamaana of Padaardha-Paridhi-Paramanu /Matter-Space-Atom; Trigunas of Sat-Rajas-Tamas. He represents Tri Shaktis of Brahmini,Vaishnavi and Rudranis; Trividha Rishis viz. Brahmarshi, Devarshi, Rajarshi; Trikaankshaas of Kanta-Kanaka- Keerti; Chaturvidha Purusharthaas, Chatur varnas, Chaturaashramas; Chaturvedas; Pancha Bhutas , Pancha bhakshyas, Pancha koshas of   Annamaya, Praanamaya, Manomaya, Vigyanamaya and Ananda maya; Panchagnis , Panchendriyas, Pancha Tanmatras, Arishad vargas,  Shat Chakras of Moolaadhara, Swadhishthana, Manipura, Anaahita, Visuddha, Agjnaa and Sahasraara; Shat Karmas of Sandhya Vandana, Tarpana, Japa, Homa, Devaarchana, Swaadhyaaya, Atithi Seva; Shat Vedangas: Siksha, Vyakarana, Kalpa Grandha, Nirukta, Chhandas, and Jyotisha; Sapta Lokas , Sapta Dwipas of Jambu, Plaksha, Salmaali, Kusha, Krouncha, Shaka and Pushkala and Sapta Patalaas of Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talaatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patalas; Sapta Samudras: Lavana,Ikshurasa, Sura, Ghrita, Dahi, Ksheera and Suswada jala Sapta Parvatas of Sumeru , Kailasa, Malaya, Himalaya, Udyachala, Agastyachala, Suvela and Gandhamadana; Sapta Kratus viz.Shodassi, Ukta, Purushi, Agnishtoma, Aptaryama, Atiratra, Vajapeya, and Goshava; Ashtanga Yogas of Yama- Niyama- Aasana- Pranaayama- Pratyahara-Dharana-Dhyana-Samadhi.

Ganesha is actively assisted by Ashta Loka Paalakas:  Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirruti, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera and Ishana; Ashta Bhiravas viz. Kaala, Asitaanga, Rudra, Krodha, Kapala Bhishana, Unmatta and Samharas as  Ashta Bhairavis for Graha Shanti  viz. Mahakali, Neela Saraswati , Chhinna mastaka, Shodashi, Kahairavi, Dhumavati and Bagalamukhi; and Ashta Lakshmis of Dhanya, Dhairya, Santaana,Vijaya, Vidya, Bhagya, Gaja and Varada;  Ashta Matrikas Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Maheshwari, Aindri, Vaarahi, Chamunda, Naarasimhi and Kaumari; Ashtaavasus are viz. Aapa, Dhruva, Soma, Dhara, Anila, Anala, Pratyusha and Prabhasa; Nava Durgas Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skanda Mata, Katyayani, Kaala Ratri, Maha Gauri, and Siddhi Dhatri; Navagrahas and most certainly the Dashavataras of Vishu, apart from Vishvadevas, Ekadasha Rudras, Dwaadashaadithyas, Daitya Daanava Pishachadi evil forces too! Such is the singular balancer of Dharma-Adharma ,Truth and Falsity, and Maya and Paramatma viz. Ganesha!


Ganesha’s Origin

Shiva Purana mentions that in the Shveta Varaha Kalpa, Devi Parvati mentioned to her maids Jaya and Vijaya that there was none else worthy of worship excepting her own body sweat which eventually took the form of an outstanding form of a boy named Ganesha.  The Purana further states: When Nandi was asked to bar entry into the Interior Place of Parvati as She was taking bath, Nandi no doubt prevented but Bhagavan still entered and She was not amused. She decided to create an idol of a boy which was infused with life and empowered Him to challenge anybody with the necessary powers. The boy followed the instruction and did not allow entry even to Shiva. The Pramadha ganas were asked to teach a lesson to the boy by Shiva but they were defeated in no time. Shiva Himself decided to force His entry but to no avail. Finally, an irritated Bhagavan snapped the boy’s head and Parvati became furious and Her angry manifestations surprised Shiva Himself. She insisted that the boy be brought to life forth with. Shiva suggested locating anybody sleeping in the northern direction and the Shivaganas were able to trace only an elephant. The severed head of the boy was fixed with that of the elephant and He was revived. The assembly of Deities who first fought with the boy and witnessed the entire scene earlier decided that any function in the World ought to be commenced with worship of Ganesha foremost as He is the Lord of preventing impediments and of providing success. Ganesha’s worship on Bhadrapada Sukla Chathurdhi is compulsary all over Bharatadesa as one is dreaded of becoming a victim of   undeserving blames since Moon God received a curse from Ganesha that whoever saw the Moon on the particular Chaturdhi night without worshipping Him would become a sure target!

Vamana Purana details the origin of Gauri of gaura varna from Parvati Devi and then proceeds with the birth of Ganesha.  After the Sacred Wedding, Shankara and Parvati moved around freely in enjoyment and asked Vishwakarma to build a glorious home for them, performed Yagna worthy of Grihastaashrama and the couple were nicely settled down. One day out of fun, Parama Shiva addressed Devi Parvati as Kaali or of dark complexion. She felt that his fun was unbearable and left for serious Tapasya to Brahma deva and secured golden complexion. As she discarded her earlier Form, Indra requested her to give away the earlier Form to him and since she was materialised from Krishna Kosha or of deep blue nature, she was named as Katyaayani;, she was also called as Koushiki since she was materialised from Brahma kosha and since Indra called her as his sister, Indra too was known as Koushika. Indra then asked Katyayani /Koushiki to reach Vindhya Parvata and thus she became Vindhyavaasini and Indra gifted a Lion as her Vahana /Carrier. After this incident, Devi Uma who discarded her earlier Rupa now replaced with Suvarna Rupa and identified herself as Gouri.  Maha Deva was too pleased and both the couple spent some thousand years in Garhastya all by themselves ignoring the out side contacts, which had terribly distressed Devatas and the entire Universe was upset too. Indra and Devatas were concerned about fresh threats of Indratwa as there were forebodings to that effect and approached Brahma who wished that Mahadeva’s continued immersion in the stage of ‘Manmoha’ for Gauri would continue before Daityas would gain strength; this concern got Indra and Devas worried and tried to somehow manage an entry to Shiva’s abode but found that sneaking into the adode would not be possible as Maha Nandi was holding the security. Even while Indra and Devatas were waiting outside the Abode, Agni took the form of a Swan and sneaked in and having assumed a Sukshma Rupa conveyed to Parama Shiva that Indra and Devas were waiting outside to desperately meet him. Maha Deva stepped out and let Indra and Devas come inside; he said that since he was actually enjoying Devi Gauri he was disturbed and any of the Devatas should take over the weight, radiance and power of Parama Siva’s ‘Shukra’ (Semen)! Surya and Chandra felt that they might be unable to do so but Agni Deva emboldened himself and asked Shiva to release the Sukra so that he could consume it. Shiva did so and then he asked Indra as  to what was the emergency about! Indra had respectfully entreated to terminate the period of enjoymernt so that he could very kindly concentrate on many tasks pending. As Maha Deva agreed to do so, Indra and Devas returned to Swarga and he narrated the incident to Parvati and the latter got furious that the disturbance caused by Indra and Devas was indeed frustrating and cursed Indra and others that since they did not allow to let her bear a child at the nick of time, they too would become childless!

Ganeshotpanna:  In an angry and vexatious mood, Gauri entered the ‘Snaana shaala’ and asked her maid Malini to massage her body and as the maid applied flavoured milk cream the sweat of her angry body got evaporated;  when massaged Gauri’s body collected body dirt and made a figure viz. Ganesha with four hands, broad chest and handsome and later on resumed her bath and left later to Puja Mandir to worship Maha Deva. Thereafter, Parama Shiva entered the same Abhyagana Griha (bath room), and noticed the Ganesha Pratima apparently made by Parvati’s body dirt during her Abhyangana. Maha Deva added his body dirt too to the Pratima and made an addition of an elephant trunk to the Murti which as he took his Snaana got washed  his own sweat, bhasma and sacred water. The Pratima came alive as the combined body dirt, sugandhas and water and Shiva told Parvati that he was their own son! Gauri was surprised to see their child with an elephant face and excellent features and embraced him:

Yattadangamalaadwiyam krutam Gajamukham Naram, Tatah preetaa Girisutaa tam putram parishashvajey/ Murdhina chaina –mapura  -aghnaaya tatah Sarvobraveedumaam, Naayakena vinaa Devi tava Bhutopi Purtakah/ Yasmaajjatastato naamnaa bhavishyati Vinaayakah, Yesha vighna sahasraani Suraadeenaam harishyati/ Pujayishyanti chaivaasya lokaa Devi charaacharaah, Ityava muktatwaa Devaastu Dattavaamstanayaaya hi/ Sahaayantu Gana Sreshthamnaamnaa khyaatam Ghatodaram, Tathaa Matruganaa ghoraa bhutaa Vighna karaaschaye/Tey Sarvey Paramoshena Devyaah preetyopa- paadinah, Devi cha Sasutam drustwaa paraam mumadavaapacha/

Ganesha Mahima - Glory of Lord GaneshaMaha Deva asked Shailaja Devi to find her own son and the latter embraced him who was materialised by the body dirts of hers and his as the child was a charming boy with an elephant face; Shiva said that the child was born without any ‘Nayaka’ and thus would be called Vinayaka, who could forestall thousands of Vighnaas of Devas. The entire Universe would worship Ganesha said Parvati who created Ghatodara Ganaas to assist him as also Matru Ganaas and Vighna Bhutaas to destroy who did not  worship him. Devi Parvati felt exremely happy and contented with the arrival of Ganeswara!

Ganesha swarupa- Sindura Varna: Before the puja related to any Devata involving mantra – tantras- upaasana, fulfill-ment of each and every task, Ganesha’s invocation is a must. Svarupam mantra yantranaam Devataanaam visheshatah, agjnaatvaa bhajate moodho na siddhim praanuyaat kvachit/ Skanda Purana describes that Ganesha’s Gajaanana swarupa is replete with all the ‘shubha kalshanas’ or auspicious features and traits as Gambheera-Charurhasta-Saptarakta-Shadunnata-Pancha deergha- Pancha sukshma-and trivisteerna as mentioned in Saamudrika Shastra.Ganesha’s body colour is of sindura varna. As explained in Shiva Purana, as Devi Parvati applied that ointment as Shiva replaced with the head of an elephant. Ganesha Purana states that Ganesha as a boy killed Daitya named Sindura and the odour of the daitya’s blood was smeared by Ganesha on his body.


Lord Ganesha’s Naama karana and Vividha naama

Various Puranas pronounced the names of Ganesha as Gajapati, Gana naayaka, Gajavaktra, Gajaanana, Ekadanta, Lambodara, Shurapakarna, Chaturhasta, Paasha-ankusha-parashu-kamala-aksha sutra-Danta dhaari, Naaga yagjnopapeeti, Chandra shekhara, Mooshakadhwaja, Mooshaka vahana, Raktavarna, Raktavastradhaari, Raktagandhaanulepita and Raktapushpa supujita. According to Varaha Purana, Devi Parvati got infatuated with astonishment on seeing a sky like form of Parama Shiva himself in Ganesha and instantly understanding the ‘stree swabhava’ or woman like feeling, Shiva then  cursed Ganesha as Gajavaktra or Elephant Faced, Pralamba jathara or Lambodara with huge belly and Sarpopaveeti or of Serpent made yagjnopaveeta. As Shiva was serious while the curse, he sweated profusely and the drops convedrted his body blue and thus got Vinaayaka generated and commissioned with the consent of Tri Murtis as well, as the Head of Pramadhaganas and thus henceforth became popular as Ganesha-Ganapati-Ganaadhipa-Gananaayaka. Brahma Vaivarta Purana defines Ganesha as ‘Ga’ as ‘Jnaanaartha vaacha’ and ‘Na’ is of ‘Nirvaanaartha’ or bliss and thus the combination of Naayaka ( husband) and Samyoga ( union) or of Shiva and Parvati. Agni Purana while describing the Ganesha Puja Vidhana and the Anga nyaasa,Peetha Puja, Maanasopachaara Puja and Gayatri Mantra, then describes the various names of Ganesha as Ganapati-Ganaadhipa,Ganesha, Gana Naayaka, Ganakreeda, Vakratunda, Eka damshtra, Mahodara, Gaja Vaktra, Lambakukshi, Vikata, Vighna naashaka, Dhumravarna, and Mahendra. In the peetha puja, the hridyaya nyaasa gives the names of Mahodara, Danda hasta, Jaya, Ganaadhipa, Gana naayaka, Ganeshwara, Vaktra tunda, Ekadanta, Utkata, Lambodara, Gaja Vaktra, Vikataanana, Vighna naashana, Dhumra varna, Mahendra and Vighnesha. Likewise, Garuda Purana details in the course of Ganesha Puja ,  the Dwaadasha Namaas of  Ganapujya, Vakratunda, Eka damshtra, Traimbaka, Neelagreeva, Lambodara, Vikata, Vighna Raaja, Dhumra varna, Bhaalachandra, Ganapati and Hastimukha. Brahmanda Purana  narrates Sapta Koti Vinayaka ‘s Aadhipatya like of Aamoda, Pramoda, Sumukha, Durmukha, Arighna and Vighnaharta. This Purana highlights ‘Tantra grandha prabhaavita’ 51 Ganesha Naamaas viz. Vighneshwara- Vighna raaja-Vinaayaka-Shivottama-Vighvakrit- Vighna hartaa-Avighnarata-Gana naayaka-Ekadanta- Dvidanta-Gaja vaktra- Niranjana-Kapardavaan-Deergha mukha-Shankukarna-Vrishabha dhvaja- Gana naadha-Gajendraasya-Shurpakarna-  Vrishabha -dhwaja- Gana naadha-Gajendrasya-Shurpakarna-Trilochana-Lambodara-Maha naada- Chaturmurti- Sadaashiva-Aamoda-Durmukha / Durmada-Sumukha-Pramodaka- Ekapaada-Dvipaada / Dvijihva-Shura-Veera-Shanmukha-Varada-Vaamadeva- Vakratunda-Dvidantaka-Senaani-Graamani-Matta-Vimatta- Matta mushaka vaahana-Jati-Mundee-Khadgee-Varenya-Vrishaketana- Bhakshapriya-Meghanaada-Ganapa-Ganeshwara.  Mudgala Purana enumerates the following 33 Ganesha Swarupas: Bala Ganapati-Taruna Ganapati-Bhakta Ganapati-Veera GanapatiSiddha Ganapati-Ucchishtha Ganapati-Vighnesha-Kshipra Ganapati-Heramba-Lakshni Ganapati-Maha Ganapati-Vijaya Ganapati-Vijaya GanapatiNritta Ganapati-Urdhva Ganapati-Ekaakshara Ganapati-Vara Ganapati-Tryakshara Ganapati-Kshipraprasaadana Ganapati-Haridraa Ganapati-Ekadanta Ganapati-Srishti Ganapati-Uddanda Ganapati-Rinavimochana Ganapati-Dhridha Vinaayaka-Dwimukha Ganapati-Trimukha Ganapati-Yoga Ganapati-Simha Ganapati- Durga Ganapati-Sankatahara Ganapati.    

Daitya hara Ganesha-vighna naashana-agra pujyata-puja vidhana-abheeshta siddhi  / Ganesha as the destroyer of Evil- hurdle remover- primacy of worship:  As in the case of Tri Murtis and Shakti Forms, Ganesha has the reputation of uprooting all the forms of Evil and preserve Peace and Auspiciousness in the Universe. As per Linga Purana, Lord Shiva stated that the manifestation of Ganesha is to destroy Daityas and save Brahma vaadis. Mudgala Purana details various manifestations of Ganesha as of  killing Daityas:

Vakratundaavataarascha dehaanaam Brahma thaarakah, Matsaraasura hantaa cha simhavaahanagah smtitah/ Ekadantaavataaro vai dehaanaam Brahmadhaarakah,Madaasurasya hantaa sa aakhuvaaha -nagah smritah/ Mahodara iti khyaato Jnaana Brahma prakaashakah, Mohaasurasya shatruvaim aakhu- vaahanagah smritah/ Gajaananah sa vigjneyah saankhebhyah siddhi daayakah, Lobhaasura prahartaa vai aakhugascha prakeertitah/ Lambovataaro vai Krodhaasura nibarhanah, Shakti Brahmaakhugah sad yat tasya dhaaraka uchyate/ Vikato naama vikhyaatah Kaamaasura vidaahakah, Mayura vaahanash -chaayam Sourabrahmadharah smritah/ Vighnaraajaavataarascha shesha vaahana uchyate, Mamata–asura hantaa cha Vishnubrahmoti vaachakah/ Dhumra varnaavataarascha abhimaanaasura naashakah, akhuvaahana evaasou Shivaatmaatu sa uchyate/

Ganesha Mahima - Glory of Lord GaneshaVakratunda sporting the back on a roaring lion killed Matsaraasura. Seated comfortably as a ‘mooshaka vaahana’, the Lord with His ‘ekadanta’ the single tusk destroyed Madaasura. Mooshaka vahana Ganesha as manifested as Mahodara killed Mohaasura.Assuming the title of Gajaanana killed Lobhaasura while as Lambodara destroyed Krodhaasura. The outstanding evil of the Society viz. Kaamaasura was subdued and killed by Ganesha as Mayura Vahana while as Sesha Vahana Vighna Raja  killed Mamataasura. As Mooshaka Vaahana, Maha Ganesha destroyed  Abhimaanaasura. Thus as Vakratunda-Ekadanta and such ‘avataaraas’, Ganesha destroyed Matsara, Mada, Moha, Lobha, Krodha, Kaama, Mamata and Ahankaara naamaka asuras.

Birth of Gajanana, Priority Invocation and adoration on Chaturthi: As Devas faced a strange problem of recurring failures as and when they take up a fresh assignment whereas Demons seemed to be going ahead with novel operations, they approached Lord Siva and Devi Parvati to provide a solution. In reply Bhagavan Siva started thinking that among the Panchabhutas (Five Elements), there was an identifiable personification of a Deity among Prithvi (Earth), Varun (Water), Tejas (Fire) and Vayu (Wind God), but how was it that ‘Akash’ (Sky) did not have? By so thinking Lord Siva laughed loudly and Devi Parvati could guess by her Jnana Shakti (Power of Knowledge) what Bhagavan was laughing boisterously about. From that energetic hilarity with an open mouth emerged a replica of Siva who was strong, handsome and powerful whom Devi Parvati kept gazing and got mesmerised. Lord Siva got annoyed by the instant reaction of Devi Parvati, became jealous of the Super Boy and infact got angry and cursed him saying that he would possess an elephant face, disproportionate belly and serpented Yagnopaveeth (Holy Thread). Siva was still angry and from His body hair roots kept on multiplying innumerable Vinayaks resembling the original and Lord Brahma flew over the Sky and as ‘Akashvani’( a loud announcement from the Sky) declared that Devas should be grateful to Lord Siva to have provided the solution to the problem posed by them and that the various forms of Vinayak which got materialised would indeed ensure that as and when Devas ( and human beings) initiated a task they should invoke the blessings of Vinayak foremost. As the announcement from Brahma was heard, Siva was by then cooled down and addressed Vinayaka endearingly;


Ganesh Puja in detail with ‘kathas’ or episodes


Vinayako Vighnakaro Gajasyo Ganesha naamaacha Bhavasya Putrah, Yethecha Sarvam thava yanthu Bhruthya Vinayakayaah Kruura drishtah Prachandah-Vucchushma daanaadi vuvruddhva dehaha Karyeshu siddhim prati paadayanthah, Bhavaamsva Deveshu thadha makeshu kaaryashu chanteshu Mahanubhavat-Agreshu Pujam Labhatenyatha cha Vinashayishyastatha kaarya siddhim

Vinayaka, Vighnakara, Gajavadana,  Ganesha, Shankara Putra; all these cruel-eyed, harsh and angry Vinayaks will be your servants; those who are desirous of giving well earned materials as ‘daanas’ or alms be provided with Siddhis or boons. At Yajnas or various Propitious Tasks, all the devotees shall be provided the highest veneration, lest their tasks or worships be discounted’).


Skanda Purana

The foremost  prayer to Ganesha states :

Sumukhaschaika dantascha kapilo Gajakarnikah, Lambodarascha vikato Vighna Raajo Ganaadhipah, Dhumaketur -ganaadhyashah phala chandro Gajaanah, Vakra tundah Shurpakarno herambahskanda purvajah, Shodashaitaani naamaani yah patheh shrunuyaadapi vidyaarambhe vivaahecha praveshe nirgame tathaa, sangraame sarva kaaryeshu vighnastasya na jaayate, abheepsitaartham pujito yassurairapi, sarva vighnacchide tasai Shri Ganaadhipaye namah/  

Ganesha Mahima - Glory of Lord GaneshaThen follow the  Sankalpa, Kalasha puja, ‘Shodaashopa-chaara’ or the formal Services to Ganesha with Dhyaana-Aavaahana-Vaahanaadis and Shuddhodaka Snaana- Vastra-Yagnopaveeta-Gandha-Pushpa-Phala- Dhupa -Deepa- Avasara Naivedyas-Tambula – Neeraajana-Achamaniyas – Mantra pushpa- pradakshina namaskaarasa- are offered in the opening phase of the Puja stating : Ganaadhipa prasaadam shirasaa grihnaami/ Thus one’s own head is adorned with ‘akshata-pushpas. Then commences the further phase of Phala Siddhi Vinaayaka Puja with Praana pratishtha:

Asya  Shri Vara Siddhi Vinaayaka praana pratishthaapana mantrasya, Brahma Vishnu Maheshwaraa Rishah, Rikyajursaamaadharvaani chhandaamsi, praanah shaktih paraadevataa, hraam beejam, hreem shaktih, hruum keelakam, mama Varashiddhi Vinaayaka praana pratishthaa shiddhyarthe jape viniyogah/

Kara nyaasa: hraam angushthaabhyaam namah, hreem tarjanibhyaam namah, hruum madhyamaabhyaam namah, hraim  anaamikaabhyaam namah, hroum kanishthikaabhyaam namah, hrahah karatala prishtaabhaam namah;

Anga nyaasa: hraam hridayaaya namah, hreem shirase swaaha, hroom shikhaayai vashat, hraim kavachaaya hum,hruum netratrayaaya voushat, hrahah astrraaya phut/ Bhurbhuvassuromiti digbandhah/

Dhyaanam: Raktaambhodisthapotollaasadaruna sarojaadhiroodhaa karaabjaih, paasham kodandamikshhoodbhava maliganapyankusham pancha baanaan/ Bibhraanaa -srukkapaalam trinayana lasitaa peena vakshoruhaadhyaa devi baalaaka varnaa bhavatu sukha kree praana shaktih paraanah//  Hraam hreem krom ya ra la va sha sah om/ Varasiddhi Vinaayaka! Praanah mama praanah Varasiddhi Vinaayaka jeevah mama jeevah vaangnahshrotra jihvaa ghraanaih ucchvaasa rupena bahiraagatya, asmin bimbe-asmin kalashe- asyaam pratimaayaam-sukhena charan tishtthantu swaaha/

Mantram: Asuneete punarasmaasu chakshuh punah praanamihanodhehi bhogam, jyokpashyema Suryamuccharantamanumate mridayaanasswasti, amritam vai praanaa amritamaapah praanaanena yathaa sthaanamupahvayate// Swaamin sarva jagannaatha yaavat pujaavasaanakam, taavatvam yathaa preetibhaavena bimbesmin sannidhim kuru/ Aavaahito bhava, sthaapito bhava, suprasannobhava, varado bhava, avakunthitobhava, sthiraasanam kuru, praseeda prasseda praseeda//

Mantrah: Aaa twaavahantu harayassacheta sashvaitairashaisah ketumadbhih vaataajavairbalavadbhirnojavairaayaahi sheeghram mama havyaaya sharvom/

while reciting this mantra, akshata-pushpas be kept on the head of the Idol and offer some naivedya like a fruit and gud to signify the ‘praana pratishtha’.

Pujaa praarambhah:  Bhava sanchita paapougha vidhvamsana vichakshanam, Vighnaandhakaara bhaswantam Vighnaraajamaham bhaje/ Shurpakantham Gaja vaktram chaturbhujam, Paashanaang -kushadharam Devam dhyaayetsiddhi Vinaayakam/ Uttamam Gananaathasya vratam sampatkaram shubham, Bhaktaabheeshtapradam tasmaad dhyaayettam Vighna naayakam/ Dhyaayet Gajaananam Devam taptakaanchana nannibham, Chaturbhujam mahaa kaayam sarvaabharana bhushitam/ Dhyaayaami-Atraagaccha jagadvandya suraasuraarchiteshwara, Anaatha naatha sarvajna Gauri garbhaa samudbhava/Aavaahayaami-  Mouktikaih Pushparaagaischa naanaaratnairviraajitam, Ratna simhaasanam chaaru preetyartham pratigruhyataam-Aasanam samarpayaami/ Gauriputra namastestu Shankara priya nandana, Grihaanaarghyam mayaadattam grihaanad -viradaanana: Paadyam samarpayaami/ Anaadha naadha sarvagjna geervaana varapujita, Grihaanaachamanam Deva tubhyam dattam mayaa prabho-Aachamaniyam samarpayaami- Dadhiksheera samaayuktam madhvaajyena samanvitam, Madhuparkam grihaanedam Gajavaktra namostute-Madhuparkam samarpayaami/ Snaanam panchaamritairdeva grihaana Gana naayaka, Anaadha naatha sarvagjna Girvaana gana pujita/

Panchaamrita snaanam samarpayaami/

Milk:Aapyaayasva sametu te vishvatassomavrishniyam, bhavaa vaajasya sangadhe-Shri Vinaayakam snapayaami;

Curd:Dadhikraavno akaarsham jishnorash -vasyavaaginah, Surabhino mukhaaratprana aayugumshitaarishat-Shri Vinaayakam dadhnaa snapa -yaami/

Ghee:Shukramasi jyotirasi tejosi Devovassavitot punaatvat chidrena pavitrenavapoh Suryasya rashmibhih-Shri Vinaayakam aajyena snapayaami/

Honey:Madhu vaataa rutaayate madhu kharanti sindhavah, maadhveernassvantyoshadhih- Shri Vinaayakam Madhunaasnapayaami/

Sugar:Swaaduh pavaswa dishyaaya jinvane swaadurindraaya suhave tu naamne swaadurmitraaya Varunaaya Vaayave Brihaspataye madhumaagum adaabhyah- Shri Vinaayakam sharkaraa snapayaami/

Phalodakam: Yaah phalineeryaa aphalaa apushpaa yaascha pushpineeh Brihaspati prasutaastaa no munjavagumhasah- Shri Vinaayakam phalodkena snapayaami/ Shuddhodakam:Gangaadi sarva tirthebhya aahrutairamalair -jalaih, snaanam kurushva bhagannumaaputra namostute/ Shri Vinaayakam shuddhodaka snaanam kaarayaami/

Mantram: Aapohishthaa mayobhuvah, taana urje dathaatana, maheranaaya chakshase, yovasshivatamo rasah, tasya bhaajayate hanah, ushiteeriva maatarah, tasmaa arangamaamavah ‘yasya kshayaaya jinvatha’ aapo janayathaa cha nah//

Vastram: Raktavastra dwayam chaaru Devayogyam cha mangalam, Shubhaprada grihaana twam Lambodara Haraatmaja/ Shri Vinaayakam Vastra yugmam samarpayaami//

Mantram: Abhivastraa suvasanyaanyarshaabhidhenoh sudughaahpuyamaanaah, Abhichandraabhartaveno hiranyobhyashvaan rathino devasoma//

Yagnopaveetam: Raajatam Brahma sutram cha kaanchanamchottareeyakam, grihaana Deva sarvagjna bhaktaanaanishtadaayaka/ Shri Vinaayaka yagjnopaveetam samarpayaami/ Mantram- Yagjnopaveetan paramam pavitram prajaapateryatsahajam purastaat, Aayushyamagryam pratimuncha shubhram yagjnopaveetam balamastu tejah//

Gandham: Chandanaagaru karpura kasturi kunkumaanvitam, vilepanam Surashreshtha preetyartham pratigrihya taam/ Shri Vinaayakam gandhaan dhaarayaami/

Mantram: Gandhadwaaraam duraadharshaam nityapushtaam kareeshineem, Ishwareegum satyabhutaanaam twaamihopahvaye shriyam/

Ganesha Mahima - Glory of Lord GaneshaAkshataalankaaram: Akshataan dhavalaan divyaan shaaliyaamh tandulaan shubhaan, grihaana paramaanada Shambhu putra namostute/ Shri Vinaayakaaya Alankaranaartham akshataan samarpayaami/

Mantram: Aayanete paraayane durvaarohantu pushpineeh, hradaascha pundareekaani samudrasya grihaa ime/

Pushpa Puja: Sugandhaani cha pushpaani jaatikundamukhaani cha,Eka vimshati patraani sangrihaana namostute/ Shri Vinaayakam pushpaih pujayaani/

Athaanga puja with flowers: Ganeshaaya namah paadou pujayaami-Ekadantaayanamah gulphou [ankle joints] pujayaami-Shurpa karnaayanamah jaanuni[knees]pujayaami-Vighna Rajaya namah janghe pujayaami[ankle]-Aakhuvaahanaaya namah uru [ thigh] pujayaami-Herambaaya namah katim  [loin]pujayaami- Lambodaraaya namah udaram [ tummy] pujayaami-Gana naathaaya namah naabhim [umbilical chord] pujayaami- Ganeshaaya namah hridayam [ heart] pujayaami-Sthula kanthaaya namah kantham [ throat] pujayaami-Skandaagrajaaya namah skandham[ shoulders] pujayaami-Paasha hastaaya [hands] pujayaami-Gaja vaktraaya [ face] vaktram pujayaami-Vighna hantre namah netrou [eyes] pujayaamu-Shurpakarnaaya namah karnou [ears] pujayaami-Phaalachandraaya namah lalaatam [forehead] pujayaami-Sarveswaraaya namah shirah[ head] pujayaami- Vighnaraajaaya namah sarvaanyangaani [ all the body parts] pujayaami/

Atha ekavimshati or 21 Patra Puja: Sumukhaaya namah Maachi patram pujayaami-Ganaadhipaaya namah Brihati patram pujayaami-Umaadhipaaya namah bilwa [bael or stone apple tree leaf considered as highly sacred for Shiva-Uma- Ganesha-Skanda Kumara pujas]-Gajaana -naaya namah durvaa yugmam [ two pieced -grass]- Harasunave namah dutthura patram pujayaami-Lambodaraaya namah badari patram pujayaami-Gahaagrajaaya namah apaamaaragapatram pujayaami-Gaja karnaaya namah tulasi patram [ exceptionally] pujayaami- Ekadantaaya namah chuta patram[mangoe leaf] pujayaami-Vikataaya namah karaveera patram pujayaami- Bhinna dantaaya namah Vishnukranta patram pujayaami- Vatave namah daadimi patram pujayaami-Sarveswaraaya namah Devadaaru patram pujayaami-Phaalachandraaya namah Maruvaka patram pujayaami-Herambaaya namah sindhuvaara patram pujayaami-Shurpakarnaayana mah jaati patram pujayaami-Suraagrajaaya namah ganaki patram pujayaami-Ibhavaktraaya namah shami patram pujayaami-Vinaayakaaya namah ashvattha patram pujayaami-Surasevitaaya namah Arjuna patram pujayaami-Kapilaaya namah arka patram pujayaami-Ganeshwaraaya namah eka vimshati patraani pujayaami/

The Sahasra naama/ Ashtottara Pujaam samarpayaami/

Dhupam: Dasaangulam guggulopetam sugandhi sumanoharam, Umaasuta namastubhyam grihaana varadi bhava/ Shri Varasiddhi Vinayaka namah dhupamaaghraapayaami;

Mantram: Dhurasi dhurva dhurvantam dhurvatam yosmaan dhurvati tam dhurvayam vayam dhurvaamah/

Deepam: Saajyam trivarti samyuktam vahninaadyotitam mayaa, Grihaanamangalam Eshaputra namostute/ Shri Vara Siddhi Vinaayakam deepam darshayaami;

Mantram: Uddipasya swajaatavedopaghnam nirrutam mama, Pashugascha mahyamaahava jeenanancha disho dasha, maanohigumsih jaatavedo gaamashvam purusham jagat, abhibhradaghna aag hi shriyaa maa paripaalaya/

Naivedyam: Sugandhaan sukrtaamschiva modakaan ghritapaachitaan, naivedyam grihyataam devachanamudgaih prakalpitaan// Bhakshyam bhojyamscha lehyamcha choshyam paaniyamevacha, Idam grihaana naivedyam maaa dattam Vinaayaka/ Shri Varasiddhi Vinaayaka namah Maha Naivedyam samarpayaami/

Mantram: Deva savitah prasuva satyamtvartena parishimchaami Amritamastu Amritopastaranamasi swah, Udaanaaya swaah, samaanaaya swaah, Brahmane swah/ Madhye paaneeyam samarpayaami, hastou prakshaalanam samarpayaami, paada prakshaalanam samarpayaami, shuddhhaachaneeyam samarpayaami//

Taamboolam: Poogiphalasamaayuktam naagavallidalairyutam, karpura churna samyuktam taamboolam pratiguhyataam/ Shri Vara Siddhi Vinaayaka Swaamine taamboolam samarpayaami/

Suvarna Pushpam: Sadaanandada Vighnesha pushkalaani dhannaanicha, Bhumyaam sthitaani Bhagavan sweekurushva Vinaayaka/ Shri Varasiddhi Vinaayaka namah suvarna pushpam samarpayaami/

Neeraajanam: Ghritavarti sahasraischa karpurashakalaistathaa, neeraajanam mayaa dattam grihaana varado bhava/ Shri Varasiddhi Vinaayaka namah Neeraajanam darshayaami- neeraajanaanantaram aachamaniyam samarpayaami/

Mantram: Hiranya paatram madhoh purnam dathaatimadhavyosaaneeti, ekadhaa brahmana upaharati ekadhaiva yajamaana aayustejo dadhaati/

Durvaa yugma puja: Ganaadhipaaya namah durvaayugmam pujayaami-Umaaputraaya namah—, Aakhuvaahanaayananah–,Vinayakaaya namah—, Isha putraayanamah—, Sarvasiddhipradaayanamah–Ekadantaaya namah–, Ibhavaktraaya namah—,Mooshaka vaahanaaya namah–, Kumara gurave namah/

Mantra Pushpam: Yopaam pushpam veda pushpavaan prajaavaan pashumaam bhavati- Chandra maa vaa apaam pushpam–Agnirvaa —/ Ganaadhipa namastestu Umaaputraagha naashana, Vinaayakeshatanay sarva siddhi pradaayaka/ Ekadantaika vadana tathaa Mooshaka Vaahana, Kumaara gurave tubhyamarpayaami sumaanjalim/

Pradakshinnopachaaraan: Yaani kaani cha paapaani janmaantara kritaayacha, taani taani pranashyanti pradakshina pade pade/ Paapoham paapa karmaaham paapaatmaa paapasambhavah, traahi maam kripayaa Deva sharanaagata vatsala/ Anyathaa sharanam naasti twameva sharanam mama, tasmaad kaarunya bhaavena raksha raksha janaardana/ Pradikshanam karishyaami satatam modaka priya, Namaster Vighna raajaaya namase vighna naashana/ Shri Vara Siddhi Vinaayakaaya namah Atma pradakshina namaskaaraan samarpayaami; Chatram aacchhaadayaami, chaamaram veejayaami, nrityam darshayaami, geetam shraavayaami, aandolikaamaarohayaami, Ashvaanaarohayaami, Gajaa naarohayaami, samasta Raajopachaara shaktyupachaara bhaktyupachaaramantropachaara devopachaara sarvopachaara pujaam samarpayaami/

Punararghyam: Arghyam grihaana Heramba sarva bhadra pradaayaka, Gandha pushpair yuktam paatrastham paapa naashana/  Praarthana: Yam Brahma vedaanta vido vadantiparam Purusham tathaanye, Visyodgateh kaaranameeshwaram vaa tasmai namo Vighna vinaayakaaya/ Namastubhyam  Ganesaana namaste vighna naashana, Ipsitam me varam dehi paratra cha paraam gatim/ Vinaayaka namastubhyam satatam modaka priya, Nirvighnam kuru me deva paratra cha paraam gatim, Nirvighnam kurume Deva sarva kaaryeshu sarvadaa//

Vaayana daanam: Respective Mantas of the Provider and Reciever : 1) Ganeshah pratigrihnaat Ganesho vai dadaati cha, Ganeshastaarakobhyaam Ganeshaaya namah/ 2) Devasya twaa savituh prasave asvinoh baahubhyaam pushno hastaabhyaamaadade/


Vinaayaka Vrata Katha

It is essentially heard or read with attention and devotion besides being self adorned or blessed by elders on head with akshatas and flowers to ward off the curse of chandra darshana as Lord Krishna himself was a victim of seeing the reflection of Moon in the milk yielded inside the vessel on Ganesha Chaturthi; Krishna was subsequently troubled and doubted of robbing ‘Shamankaka Mani’ of Satraajit which  yielded tons of gold daily!  

Vinayaka vrata concludes with Vrata kathaashravana as follows:

Aaseetpuraa Chandra vamshe Rajaa Dharma iti shrutah, swaraajye Daivayogena jnaatibhih kutilair -hrute/ Anujairbharyayaasaardham jagaama/ Gahanam vanam bahuvriksha samaakeernam naanaa mriga samanvitam/ Bahu pakshikulopetam vhyaaghra bhalluuka sankulam, tatra tatra samaa vishtaa Munayo Brahma vaadinah/ Aadithya sannibhaah sarve sarve vahni sama prabhaah tejo mandala sankaashaa vaayu parnaambu bhakshakaah/ Agnihotrarataa nityamatitheeh naam cha puujakaah urthvabaahu niraalambaah sarve muni ganaastathaa/ Taan pashyan Dharma Raajopi sambhramena samanvitah Sutaashramam samaa saadya Sutam drishtvaa sa sambhramah/ Natvaacha bhaaryayaa saardhamanujaih samupaavishat/           

King Dharmaraja who lost his Kingdom pursuant to the grave injustice perpetrated by his villianous cousins  proceeded to a huge forest called ‘Nainishaaranya’ along with his wife and loyal brothers. The forest was infested with cruel animals, birds of varied colours and squeeks and awe inspiring trees and creepers – at once frightening and yet manificent. The dethroned King also discovered congregations of Brahmavaadi, tapasvis, hands raised and standing or ‘Padmaasana’ brahmanas performing ‘agni kaaryas, tapasyaas’ and Yoga. He then further proceeded to find the cynosure of Ashramas headed by Suta Maharshi and addressd him as follows.

Dharma uvaacha/ Suta Suta mahaa pragjna sarva shastra visharada/ Vayam cha bhaaryayaa saardham jnaatibhih paripeeditaah, swaraajyam sakalam chaiva putraaschhapahritaa hi nah/ Tava darshana maatrena sarvam duhkham vinaasitam, mamopari kripaam kritvaa Vratam bruuhi dayaanidhe/  Suta Maha Muni!

You have digested the essence of all Shastra Dharmas. Our cousin Kauravas  had betrayed and did enomous injustice to us as a result of which we were evicted from our own kingdom thus proceeding perforce  into the forest with wife and brothers. We have however got immense relief by your ‘darshan’ Do very kindly teach us with a way out to recover our lost kingdom especially by the instruction of performing aa appropriate ‘Vrata’ to regain our lost kingdom again.

Suta uvaacha/ Vratam sampatkaram Nruunaam sarva soukhya pravardhanam, shrunudhvam Pandavaah sarve vrataanaam uttamam vratam/ Rahasyam sarva paapaghnam putra poutraabhivardhanam Vratam Saamba Shivenaiva Skandasyod bhoditam puraa/ Kailaasa shikhare ramye, naanaa muni nishevite, mandaara vitapi praante naanaa mani vibhushite/ Hema simhaasaanaaseenam Shankaram loka shankaram, prapaccha Shanmukhastushuto lokaanugraha kaankshayaa/ Skanda uvaacha, kena vratena bhagavan soubhaagyamatulam bhavet, putra poutraan dhanam labdhvaa manujah sukhamedhate/ Tanmevada Mahadeva vrataanaamuttamam vratam, Ishvara uvaacha- Astichaatra mahaa bhaga Gananaadha prapujanam/  Sarva sampatkaram shreshthamaayuh kaamaardha siddhitam maase Bhadrapade shukla chaturdhyaam vratamaacharet/

 Skandakumara addressed Parama Shiva even as the latter along was his mother  Parvati Devi-  the Unversal Parents- as the latter were amidst several Sages comfortably seated on a golden throne studded with most precious and proverbial nine gems; he requested that keeping in view ‘loka kalyaana’ or universal auspiciousness the latter be kindly advised as to what precisely the best possible ‘Vrata’ or a Penance with clean body and mind accompanied with devotion and ‘indriya nigrah’ or control of body mind. ‘ Which outstanding Vrata would readily bestow prosperity, long life and best progeny!  Parama Shiva elaborated his reply.

Praatah snaatvaa shuchirbhutvaa nitya karma samaacharet swashaktyaa Gananaadhasya swarnaroupya – mathaakritim/ Athavaa mrinmayam kuryaadvittashathyam na kaarayet, swagrihasottare deshe mandapam kaarayettatam/ Tanmadhyeshtadalam padmamyavairvaa tandulenavaa, pratimaam tatra samsthaapya pujayitvaa prayatnah/ Sveta gandaakshataih pushpairdurvaangkura samanvitaih, dhupair deepascha naivedyairmodakairghritapaachitaih/ Eka vimshati samkhyaani neerikela phalaanyapi, rambhaa jambu kapitthoughaanikshukandhaashchaavatah/ Evamanya phalaapuupair naivedyam kaarayetsuta, nritta geetaischa vaadhyascha puraana pathanaadibhih/ Tarpayengana naadham cha vipraan daanena shrotriyaan, bandhubhih swajanaih saardham  bhunjiyaa taila varjitam/ Evam yah kurute marto Gananaadha prasaadatah, sidhyanti sarvakaaryaani naatra kaaryaa vichaaranaa/ atah prabhaate vimale punah pujaam samaac haret, mounjeem krishnaajinam dandamupaveetam kamandulam/ Paridhaanam tathaa dadhyaadyathaa vibhavamuttamam, upaayanam tato dadyhaachaarya svashaktitah/ Anyebhyo dakshinaam dayaadbraahmanaan bhojayettatah, trailokyeshrutam chai tad vraataanaamuttamottamam anyaischa Deva munibhir gandharvaih kinnaraihstadhaa, cheernametad vratam sarvaih puraa kalpe Shadaanana/ Iti putraaya Sharvena Shanmukhaayoditam puraa, evam kurushva Dharmagjna Gananaadha prapujanam/ Vijayaste bhaveennityam satyam satyam vadaam -yaham,etad vratam harischaapi damayanti puraakarot/

Ganesha Mahima - Glory of Lord GaneshaGanesha Vrata to overcome ‘Vighnas’ to humans-and celestial beings alike  is scheduled on Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturthi on which day the Performers are required to get ready with clean body and heart, get ready with an idol made of gold or silver or atleast by earthern cakes, place it towards the northern direction of the house, decorate the idol suitably and place it in the middle of a eight leafed diagram filled up with well spread out rice flour and commence the shodashopa -chaara puja of avaahana-praana pritishtha-pushpaadi puja along with dhupa-deepa-naivedya of bakshya- bhojya-lehya- choshya- phala-paaneeyas and various other services like ‘gaana-natya-purana pathanaas’ and finally bhojanaadi services of the ‘prasadaas’ to bandhu-aapta jana- bhojanas and ‘satkaaras’ especially to the learned brahmanas; a follow up with a similar puja next morning by way of ‘punah puja’ too is scheduled. This is the broad framework of the Ganesha Puja which has outstanding fall out benefits and is appliacable human beings irrespective of Varnas Brahmana-Kshatriya-Vaishya-and even lower castes  too; besides Deva-Daanava-Yaksha-Kinnara- Gandharva-Apsraraadis are no exceptions univeraslly.

Krishno Jaambavateemaagaad ratnamchaapi syamantakam, Damayasti Nalamchiva vratasyaasya prabhaavatah/ Shakrena pujitah purvam Vritraasura vadhe tathaa, Ramadevena tadvaccha Sitayaa maargane tathaa/ Bhageerathena tadvaccha gangaamaayatanaa puraa,Amritodpaadanaardhaaya tadhaa Devaasurairapi/ Kushthavyaadhiyutenaapi Saambenaaraadhitah puraa, evamuktastu Sutena saaujah Pandunandanah/ Pujayaa maasa Devasya putram Tripuraghaatinah, shatru sangham nihatyaashu praaptavaan Raajya- mojasaa/ Pujayitvaa mahaabhagam Ganesha siddhidaayakam, siddhyanti sarvakaaryaani manasaa chintitaanyapi/ Tena khyaatim gatoloke naamnaa Siddhi Vinaayakah,Vidyaarambhe puujitaschet Vidyaa laabho bhavedhruvam/ Jayamcha Jayakaamascha putraardhee labhate sutaan, patikaamaac ha bhartaaram soubhagyam cha Suvaasinee/ Vidhavaa pujayitvaa tu vaidhavyam naapnuyaatkvachit, Brahmana khsatriyo vaishvah shudrovyaapathaastriyah/ Arbhakaschaapi bhaktyaa cha vratam kuryaad- yadhaavidhi, siddhyanti sarvaakaaryaani Gana naadha prasaadatah/ Putra poutraabhi vriddhim cha gajaadyaisvaryamaapnuyaat/

Lord Krishna performed Ganesha Vrata and Ganesha Deva blessed Krishna to secure both Satya Bhama and Jambavati as his consorts and Syamantaka Mani as a bonus. King Nala regained Damayanti again as Nala was cursed  to turn into an ugly dwarf and out of shame left Damayanti for twelve years; they were reunited only on Nala devotedly executed Ganesha Vrata as the loving couple were reunited.

Lord Indra the Chief of Devas was able to kill Vritrasura after Ganesha was pleased with Indra by the latter’s Vrata Puja. The most tenacious Bhagiradha was able to undergo several vicissitudes in bringing Ganga from Vaikuntha from the feet of Bhagavan Vishnu to Bhuloka only to wash off the ashes of Sagara Putras of his ancestors but only performing Ganesa Vrata. Lord Rama too obeserved Ganesha Vrata puja systematically before searching for Devi Sita in Lanka from the clutches of Ravanasura. As Lord Krishna’s own dear son Samba as the latter suffered from leprosy owing to Durvaasa Maharshi’s curse, Krishna too obereved Vinayaka Vrata with faith and diligence and as a result cured the deadly disease. Thus Itihasas stand proof of the outstanding advantage in performing Ganesha Vrata with faith and dedication. Be it that at the initiation of a child’s preliminary education or aspiration to initiate a battle, or a desire to secure an ideal wedded life, especialy of unwedded  maidens, or a sumangali woman  wishing for long and contented wedded life, or a widow seeking a never ever repeat of widowhood in the lives to come, or ‘putra poutraabhivriddhi’ or happy line of progeny ahead seeking, the definite answer indeed is the performance of Ganesh   a Vrata with dedication.

The Vrata could be performed by persons- man woman-child- of ‘Chaturvarnas’ of any Society, clan or faith and that would ensure success in their lives ahead with contentment and fulfillment. The proceedings of the Vinayaka Vrata are vouchsafed vide Skanda Purana. Ganesha Vrata samaapti


Encounter of Bhargava and Ganesha, Face-Off by Parvati and Shiva-Krishna’s identity

After exterminating Kartaveerya, Parashu Rama continued the killings of his hundred sons besides quite a few of the Kings who came to assist Kartaveerya; some five of the late King’s sons ran for their lives. There after a highly elated Bhargava reached Narmada to take bath and proceeded to Kailass where Maha Deva and Devi Parvati stayed for thanks giving. He saw Nandeswara, Maha Kaala, Raktahsha, Virupaksha, Bhairava, Baana, Ruru, Veerabhadra, Chanda, Bhrigi, Ekaadasha Rudras, Vidyadharas, Bhuta-Preta-Piscachas, Yaksha, Brahma Raakshasa, Kimpurushas and Kartikeya on the left entrance and Ganesha on the right. Ganesha asked Rama to wait as Shiva and Parvati were alone and that he wanted to find their convenience to enter. Rama was restless and felt uncomfortable to have been stopped by a Boy like Ganesha. There was an argument and Parashu Rama raised his axe which Ganesha disliked and lifted up Bhargava with his trunk and swirled him around when Rama saw Bhur- Bhuvar-Swar-Tapo-Urthwa-Mahar- Jana- Satya-Vaikuntha- Golokas and from there dropped Rama into Sapta Pataalaas and back to Kailasa again. This happened before all who assembled there and a highly fuming Bhargava shot his Parashu which partially broke Ganesha’s tusk. As nearly half of his tusk fell down, Earth was shaken with spills of blood, Sapta Samudras witnessed reverberating sounds of upheaval, Earth got quaked and there was univeral commotion. Devi Parvati who heard the uproar and insinuated Maha Deva that he treated Bhragava like his son  and Bhargava gave a gift to Ganesha with  a broken trunk!  Shiva understood the taunt in the words of Parvati and her face off in the context and heartily remembered Krishna. As Krishna and Radha made their appearance, the entire family of Shiva, Parvati, Genesha and Skanda greeted them; Bhargava too having greeted the former fell on the feet of Devi Parvati sheepishly and she did not respond. Shri Krishna sought to pacify saying: ‘Bhavabhayahaarini! Bhargava Rama fell on your feet seeking your pardon for his indiscretion and rashness. He stated:

Shrunu Devi Mahaabhaago Vedoktam Vachanam mama, Yac chhutvaa harshitaan nunam havishyasi na samshayah, Vinaayakasto tanayo Mahatmaa Mahataam Mahaan/ Yah Kaamah Krodha Udvego Bhayam naavishatey kadaa, Veda Smriti Puraneshu Samhitaasu cha Bhamini/ Naamaanyasyopadishthaani Supunyaani Mahatmabhih, Yaani taani pravakshyaami nikhilaaghaharaanicha/ Pramathaanaam Ganaayecha naanaa rupaa mahabalaah, Teshaameeshastwayam Yashmaatganeshastena keerttah/ Bhutaani cha Bhavishyaani Vartamaanaani yaanicha, Brahmaandaanyaakhilaan- yeva Yasmimllambodarah sa tu/ Yah sthiro devayogena cchinnam samyojitah punah, Gajasya shirasaa Devi tena porokto Gajaananah/ Chaturthihmuditaschandro darbhinaa shapta Aturah, Anena vidhruto bhaaley Bhaalachandrasthatah smrutah/ Shaptah puraa Shaptabhistu Munibhih Samkshayah gatah, Jaatavedaa deeptobhudynaasou Shurpa -karnakah/ Puraa Devaasurey yuddhey Pujito Divipadganaih,  Vighnam nivaarayaamaasa Vighnanaashath smrutah/ Adyaayam Devi Raamena kuthaarena nipaatyacha, Dashanam Daivato Bhadreyhyekadantah krutomunaa/ Bhavishyatyatha paryaaye Braahmano Haravallabhey Vakreebhavishyattundatwaadvakra tundah smruto Budhaaih/ Evam tavaasya putrasya santi naamaani Parvati, Smaranaatpaapa haarini Trikaalaanu- gataanyapi/  

Devi! Bhavabhaya haarini! Do condone Bhrargava who fell on your feet for his momentary fault. Indeed Ganesha your son is one who conquered Kaama (Desire) -Krodha (Anger)- Udvega (Neurosis) and Bhaya (Fear) and his names are highlighted in Vedas and Puranas as they were sin-destroyers; he is Pramatha Gana Natha, Ganesha, Lambodara as he keeps the past-present- future happenings of the Brahmanda in his Udara or belly; he is Gajaavana since due to destiny his head was replaced by that of an Elephant; in the past the Chaturashi Chandra was cursed by Ganesha and Krishna got affected by the blame and thus Vinayaka  secured the encomium of Bala Chandra; therefore Chandra’s radiance was subject to growth and decadence. Similarly Sapta Rishis cursed Agni but Vinayaka re- kindled Agni again and thus got the name of  Jaataveda . Ganesha got the name of Shurpa Karna as his flappy ears could winnow the grains from dirt and pebbles signifying the capacity to sift truth and falsehood. Vinayaka secured the name of Vighna Naayaka as he destroyed obstacles and difficuties at the time of Devaasura battles. Thus for each name of Ganesha there was an occurrence or backround  and from now on he would be called  ‘Vakratunda’ or Crooked Trunk in future. Devi! Let me bestow to Ganesha the boons that in course of time, human beings should worship Ganesha first before Jataka and other Samskaaraas or Birth and Name Giving Ceremonies, Yatras, launch of Commercial Activities, or Vratas or before any Puja performance). Devi Radha further stated:

Prakritih Purushaschobhavanyonyaashraya vigrahow, Dwidhaa bhinnow prakaashetey Prapanchesmin yathaa tathaa/ Twam Chaahamaavayordevi bhedo naivaasti kaschana, Vishnstwamahamevaasmi Shivo dwiguna- taam gatah/ Shivasya Hridaye Vishnurbhavatyaa rupamaasthitah,Mama Rupam Samaasthaaya Vishnoscha hridaye Shivah/ Isha Ramo Maha Bhaage Vaishnavah Shaivataam gatah, Ganeshoyam Shivah Saakshaat Vaishnavastam Samaasthitah/ Eaitayoraavayoh prabhavoschaapibhedo na drushyatey, Evamuktwaa saa Radhaa krodey krutwaa  Gajaananam/

Prakriti and Purusha are never disconnected and are mutually dependent. It might look that we are two distinct Entities but You and I are the same and we have no difference at all. The concept that I am Vishnu andYou are Shiva is indeed absurd and both the Forms are just the same. Ganesha is the Vaishnava Entity called Shiva and Bhargava Rama is the Shaiva Entity named Vishnu. So saying Radha placed Ganesha on her lap and affectionately touched his chins and as soon as that the cuts on his cheeks dried up and Devi Parvati too lifted Bhargava and caressed his tresses. Rama Ganeshas were together again and Krishna kept Skanda on his lap and there was thus a happy union of Shiva and Krishna!

As the task of thanks-giving to Maha Deva and Shri Krishna were accomplished splendidly, Parashu Rama returned home and narrated the entire story of his Tapasya and attaining the Bhakti of Maha Deva, his Tirtha Yatras and accoplishing the Maha Krishnaamrita Stotra, battle with Kaartaveerya and his killing, his encounter with Ganesha, Devi Parvati’s subdued anger as Ganesha’s trunk was hurt by his ‘Kuthaara’ and Radha-Krishna Darshana. Jamadagni Muni stated that the vicissitudes experienced by Rama must have been due to the sin of killing Kshatriyas and that Bhargava should atone it through Tapasya again for twelve years. But unfortunately, history repeated again and the five sons of Kartaveerya attacked Jamadagni once again and having killed him took away his head as a souvenir! Bhargava Rama’s elder brothers performed ‘Uttara Kriyas’ (obsequies) to the deceased father.On his return from his twelve-year long penance for atonement as instructed by his father, Bhargava Rama faced a similar situation! This time his reaction was that of  a filial duty rather than revenge and launched twenty one systematic attacks of Kartaveerya’s sons and indeed of as many as twelve thousand Kshatria Kings and their  male progeny searched from the nooks and corners of Earth and wiped out the traces of that Vamsha. Then he and his brothers got dug up Pancha Sarovaras at Kurukshetra and filled them up with the blood oozing heads and mutilated bodies of the Kshatriya Vamsha and performed Pitru Tarpanas and Shraddhas as per Shastras and pleased the Pitras with Snaana-Daana-Mantra-Bhojana- Dakshinas to seek lasting redemption to Pitras to attain  higher lokas. The famed Syaantaka Tirtha at Kurukshetra continued to be the Sacred Place for Pitru Karyas. Bhargava further proceeded to Gaya Kshetra  to continue the Pitru Karyas at the illustrious Chandra Paada where again the Pitru Devatas receive and bless the ‘Karthas’ of their offerings till date at the above Tirthas irrespective of any caste or creed. Pinda Pradanas and Tarpanas performed at these Sacred  Tirthas with faith and devotion are stated to bestow the best of one’s on going life and in the unending series of lives ahead. Brahmanda Purana

Tulasi Devi was called Sati Vrinda. Her husband, who was named Jalandhara, was a very cruel daitya and used to harass the rishis and munis and destroy their sacrifices. Lord Vishnu therefore had to set about killing him, but due to the purity of his Jalandhara’s wife, Sati Vrinda, and her devotion for her husband, he could not do so. So Vishnu took the form of Jalandhara and stole her virginity. Only after doing this was he able to rid the world of Jalandhara and restore peace and harmony. When Sati Vrinda discovered the trick Lord Vishnu had played on her, she cursed him to become a shaligram, an oval stone used in sadhana and worship, in his next incarnation. Vishnu then gave Sati Vrinda the boon that in her next birth she would incarnate as Tulasi, and be worshipped everywhere. That is why Tulasi is virtually married to Shaligram. It ia against background that Tulasi Leaves are forbidden in Ganesha Puja. Though Tulsi is considered as very auspicious but due to involvement of curse it is prohibited to use tulsi leaves at the time of pooja. Once Lord Ganesha was engaged in deep meditation As Ganesha was doing pooja, there came Tulsi. The moment she saw Ganesha, she fell in love with him and requested him to take her as his wife.But Lord Ganesha had turned down the offer but on her continued pestering cursed her that shewould marry a demon. After the curse Ganesha took pity on Tulasi and blessed her be Lord Vishnu’s beloved;  even tulsi leaves are placed into the mouth of a dying person!( Vishnu Purana).

Ganeshvara has a weakness for food, especially sweets.Once he ate all through a day and at early hours of night gathering the remaining sweets walked home slowly with a heavy stomach was walking back he stumbled and fell down as the sweets were scattered and his dress was torn. An embarrassed Lord Ganeshwara stood up and regained composure. Chandra Deva had witnessed the scene as the short statured- pot bellied-trunk faced Ganesha falling with heavy eating could hardly control into boisterous laughter. A boiled up Ganeshwara shouted at Chandra with terrible anger saying that without pitying my fall with sympathy as a responsible Deva had behaved as a loose moralled laughter of a mean human being. ‘You are arrogant, unsympathetic, ill behaved and irresponsible presuming you are charming and blemishless! Here is my curse to you  that henceforth you would disappear from the sky and never show your face again.’ Indeed the curse was too harsh as the entire order of the Universal System would be upset! A totally shaken up Chandra begged of Ganesha’s forgiveness of his blatant stupidity and arrogance! Ganesha the hallmark of forgiveness smiled yet might not be able to retrieve the curse but with a proviso lessened the heavy impact of the curse that the Moon would gradually reduce in his appearance and that there would be only one day when there would be no increase in the size of Moon yet on the subsequent days would  keep increasing in size and finally glow on the fifteenth day in till full size. More over since Chandra laughed on the Chaturthi of Bhadrapada month and on that very day there would be Ganesha  Puja, whoever would sight Moon would have some problems, but these problems would be solved if reminded of  the story of Krishna and the ‘Shyamantaka Mani’!

Krishna’s ‘apa-ninda’:Lord Krishna’s second wife was Devi Satyabhama-of the Amsa of Bhu Devi- the daughter of Satrajit who secured a ‘Shamantaka Mani’ from Surya Deva which yielded eight maunds (38 kg per maund) of gold daily! Krishna found Prasena the brother of Satrajit wearing the jewel and desired to wear it but was declined. Later on he sported the ‘Mani’when he was on a hunting spree and unfortunately got killed by a lion, which took fancy to the Mani and carried it. Jambavan the bear- and an active associate of Shri Rama of the earlier Yuga-killed the lion and took the ‘Mani’to his cave. Shatrajit alleged that Krishna must have killed his brother to take away the Mani. Desirous of disproving the allegation, Krishna traced the deadbody of Prasena and following the footsteps of a lion and of a bear entered the cave of Jambavan and fought the latter for many days; finally Jambavan realized that Krishna was Rama himself, apologized to him and not only returned the Shamantika but also requested Krishna to accept his daughter Jambavati in wedding. Shatrajit was profusely apologetic for the baseless allegation that he made against Krishna and offered not only the Shamantaka Mani but also his daughter Satyabhama in wedding.The unnecessary blame that Krishna was subjected to was due to the fact that he did not worship Ganesha on Bhadrapada Shukla Paksha Chaturthi as it was strongly believed by the Public of all Varnas ought to observe the Vinayaka Vrata that day formally and reverentially! (Padma Purana)


Ganeshaakhyaana – Ganesha kavacha and Mahatmya

Ganesha Mahima - Glory of Lord GaneshaMaharshi Narayana recounted to Narada Muni the account of Ganesha commencing from his birth, the significant events that followed with impact on Universal welfare and his ‘Mahatmya’. Maha Deva advised that Devi Parvati should perform a Sacred Vrata Punyaka in favour of Shri Hari which was like a ‘Kalpa Vriksha’ that fulfilled all kinds of desires including ‘Uttama Putra Prapti’; this Vrata was the best like Ganga among Rivers, Shi Hari among Devatas, Shiva among the Vaishnavites, Brahmana among Chatur Varnas, Pushkara among Tirthas, Tulasi dala among leaves, Parijata among flowers, Ekadashi among Punya Tithis, Ravi Vara among the a week days, Margasirsha among the Maasas, Vasanta among Ritus, Mother among the Gurus, wife among the closest relative, Mango among the fruits, Pati among Priyajanas, son among the Bandhujanas, Priya bhashana among sweets, Puranas among Kavyaas, and so on. Bhagavan Shiva appointed Sanat Kumara as the Purohit of the Vrata along several Rishis to acquire Puja materials and intiated the proceedings of the year-long vrata on Magha Shukla Trayodashi with the objective of securing an extraordinary male child with Vishnu’s ‘Amsha’. Brahma and many important Devas arrived to attend the Vrata, besides innumerable Maharshis and  Rishis like Kapila, Kratu, Vasishtha, Pulaha, Atri, Gauthma, Bhrigu and Markandeya. Dharma Putra Nara-Narayanas, Dikpalakas, Devatas, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Vidyadharas and so on.Bhagavan Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi too arrived, to initiate the Maha Vrata. Vishnu Deva addressed the illustrious gathering and blessed Devi Parvati for performing this unique Vrata which would grant her the benefit of thousand Rajasuya Yagnas and Golokanath Shri Krishna himself would be born as partial ‘Amsha’ to the Shiva-Parvati pair. He further declared that the boy to be born would have over thousands of epithets like Ganesha the house hold word in Trilokas and as the Lord of Ganas; Vighna nighna as he would bless that no obstacles would be faced by the Performers of any deed the Worlds over; Lambodara since his Bhaktas would pamper and offer him food specialities that he liked and his stomach would be thus elongated; Gajaanana since an elephant face would be fixed on his shoulders soon; Ekadanta as he lost one of his tusks in an encounter with Parashurama. Lord Vishnu ordained that if Ganesha were not worshipped no puja would be ever successful anywhere in the Trilokas. As the Vrata was executed perfectly as per the prescribed ‘Vidhana’, the illustrious guests were treated in high esteem, appropriately gifted and respectfully provided unique ‘Bhojanas’. Then the question of Dakshina was raised by the Purohit Sanat Kumara for sucessfully conducting the Vrata; he said that either  Devi Parvati would part with the Tapsya that she had been putting in all through her life or give away her husband Parama Shiva. Devi Parvati argued that if her Vrata were to be fruiltful by givng away either her Tapasya or her husband, then the vrata was not worth it, except that she would beget a son and secure Dharma! It was like performing puja to a tree by ignoring the interest of the Bhumi! A husband would be more worthy to a Pativrata than obtaining hundred sons! As Parvati was arguing like this, Vishnu offered the solution of giving away Shiva as Dakshina and got him back in exchange of cows which were of Vishnu Swarupa. Evenwhile Parvati was not satisfied the solution, Sanat Kumara performed ‘Purnaahuti’ of the Vrata and Maharshis recited the Swasti Mantras and the Sacred Vrata was concluded. But Parvati was none too happy about the deal suggested by Vishnu. However she offered one lakh cows in exchange of her husband, especially since Vedas underlined that the price of a cow was that of a husband. The problem was still not settled as Sanat Kumara said as to what would do with one lakh cows in place of an invaluable Shiva! Devi Parvati was non-plussed since neither she was able to secure the Vrata Phala by getting a son of Krishna Amsha as assured by Vishnu, nor could even get the ‘darshan’of Shri Krishna. Just as her mind was disturbed on these lines, there descended a big blaze from the high skies like thousand Suryas and all the dignitary Deities present looked up in awe and dread; Vishnu, Brahma, Mahadeva, Dharma, Saraswati, Savitri, Lakshmi, Himalaya and various Devatas. Devi Parvati was overcome at the vision of an all encompassing radiance and broke into grateful tears that after all the Vrata that she performed was indeed triumphant and that the Mula Purusha had acknowledged its success! She was literally dazed and prayed to that huge illumination and Paramatma obliged her with his physical vision for a while eventually the vision disappeared. Sanat Kumara released Shiva, gifts were given away liberally to all the invitees, excellent food was served, music and dance were displayed and Shiva and Parvati knew no bounds of joy. Meanwhile a hungry Brahmana appeared on the scene and after taking food counselled the couple about the Parama Tatwa of the Unparalelled, Ever lasting Truth and about the Most Compassionate Supreme Power and he too disappeared suddenly. Even as Parvati was utterly bewildered in that stage of heightened astonishment and shock with incidents happening so swiftly that she was in unbelievable dreams, an ‘Akash Vani’was heard loudly and clearly that Shiva and Parvati should immediately reach their Mandir: The Celestial Voice said: ‘Jaganmaataa! Please be composed and see for your self your own son in your Chamber; he is indeed the Goloka Pati Paratpara Shri Krishna Him self! The boy is the sweet fruit of the Magnificent Tree of the Punyaka Vrata that you had so successfully accomplished! It is that Parama Teja which the highest yogis dream of visioning; it is that Adi Purusha whom Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are constantly absorbed in with Dhyana; and it is that Punya Rasi Swarupa whose very thought dispels all Vighnas of all Beings in Trilokas who is lying playfully in your bed chamber indeed!!’As soon as the Akashavani Devi Saraswati made the celestial announcement, the Shiva-Parvati couple made a swift dash into their Mandir, embraced the child by quick turns and gave ‘Mangala Snaana’; even before the Snaana, all the Devatas, Dikpalakas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Maharshis got collected and instantly Vishnu, Brahma, Dharma and their spouses were anxiously waiting for the Darshan of the Sacred Child. Vishnu blessed the child with ‘Deerghaayu’/ long life, Vignaan like that of Shiva, and ‘Sarva Pujyata’/ Worship worthiness soon! Brahma said that the child’s fame and Shakti be known all over at once. Maha Deva blessed his son that like himself he should become a Daata (Philanthropist), Hari Bhakta, Buddhimaan, Vidyaavaan, Punyavaan, a Jitendriya and Shanta Murti. Dharma Deva blessed to be a Dharmika / the Form of Virtue, Sarvagjna/ the All- Knowing, Dayaalu / Kind hearted, and ‘Shri Hari Samaana’/ equivalent to Shri Hari. Devi blessed him to be a resident of each and every home and be an ever charming and Powerful source of Strength to every body. Saraswati blessed him Dharana and Smarana Shakti /Memory Power, Vivechana Shakti / Thinking Power and Kavita Shakti (Power of Imagination). Veda Maata Savitri blessed that he should become a Veda Gnaani. Vasundhara (Bhu Devi) blessed Ganesha to be an emblem of Kshama (Forbearance), Sharana daata (Provider of Refuge), Ratna Sampanna (The Fund of Opulence), Vighna Rahita and Vighna naashaka (The destroyer of Obstacles). Parvati blessed Vinayaka to excel in his father’s traits as Maha Yogi, Siddha, Siddha pradaata, Shubha karaka / Giver of Auspiciousness, Mritunjaya / the Conqueror of Death and ‘Atyanta Nipuna’ or the Embodiment of Skills. Those who read or hear about the ‘Ganesha Janma Vrittanta’ are blessed in several ways: the childless would get chidren, the poor gets rich, the wifeless gets wife, the diseased gets healthy, an unfortunate woman gets fortunate, a spoilt child gets discipined, money lost gets recovered and an unhappy person finds himself extremely joyful.

Shani veekshana: Once Devi Parvati happened to meet Lord Shaneswara the Planet and the son of Surya Deva during the Festive days of Ganesha’s birth celebrations and asked him to bless the child. Shani Deva declined politely as his looks falling on a newly-born (or for that matter on any person) would not be auspicious to the child, since he was cursed by the daughter of Gandharva King called Chitraratha, to whom she was engaged as decided by his father. Unfortunately, he encountered the woman when she was about to have her bathing after menses; she cursed Shaneswara that whom soever he would see a person even by mistake would have his head cut! Parvati did not take what Shani Deva said seriously and prevailed on him to bless Ganesha. Although Shani Deva glanced the child through the corners of his eyes, Ganesha’s head droppped abruptly and Devi Parvati fainted at this sudden tragedy. The dropped head of the boy reached Goloka and Vishnu realised as to what had happened. He jumped on Garuda and flew towards North to locate any ‘Praani’ sleeping northward and found a bull elephant; its head was sliced with his Sudarshana Chakra and fixed the elephant head in place of the head of Ganesha and blessed the child foremost after the fixation of the elephant head and returned to Kailasa. After getting better from her faint, she found Vishnu who had completed the task of fixation of the elephant head. Meanwhile Maha Deva realised what all happened and so did Brahma, Dharma and Devatas.Vishnu blessed Ganesha and gifted his Kaustubha Mani; Brahma gifted a precious kireeta /headgear, Dharma a Ratnaabharana and all other Devatas followed suit. As Devi Parvati became exremely upset with Shaneswara, she cursed him to become ‘Angaheen’ but Devas requested Devi Parvati to reconsider her lightening the curse especially she took Shaneswara’s warning lightly, she reduced the severity of her curse by revising it that Shaneswara might turn lame for ever.

Kashyapa Munis curse to Shiva: Besides the Shani Vikshana, there was another reason for Ganesha’s Elephant head. Once Surya Deva attacked two demon brothers Mali and Sumali and the ever-kind Maha Deva saved the brothers by throwing his Trishul on Surya and the latter became motionless with a serious injury on his chest and his chariot fell down too. The whole Universe came to stand still, the highly frightened Devas were stunned at the happening and the Univrse was drowned in complete darkness. The highly griefed father of Surya Deva, the powerful Kashyapa Muni, was shattered and gave a curse to Maha Deva that just as his son’s chest was broken open by the Trishul, Shiva’s future son too would drop off as suddenly. The momentary anger of Shiva got cooled down and from his Yogic powers recovered Surya’s normalcy. The demon brothers received their retribution at once as they became victims of dreaded diseases as their limbs were dried up and they lost their strength and shine. Brahma advised that since they annoyed Surya and contracted the incurable diseases, they had to worship Surya himself to please him. He taught the remorseful demons the method of worship to Surya, his Stuti and Kavacha and regained their might and sheen.But Kashyapa Muni’s curse as irretrievable and Ganesha’s head had to be replaced.


Bhu Pradakshina by Karikeya vs. Matru-Pitru Pradakshina by Ganesha:

There were different ‘Avatars’ (incarnations) of Kartikeya and Ganesha in various Kalpas. In ‘Sveta Varaha Kalpa’, the two anecdotes about Kartikeya and Ganesha- the Illustrious Sons of Siva and Parvati- were narrated by Lord Brahma to His Son Devarshi Narada. As both the Brothers came of marriageable age, the question arose as to who should be married first and the parents decided that whosoever could circumambulate the entire Universe first would get the choice. Kartikeya flew off by His carrier- a peacock- without even waiting for a minute, Ganesha who applied His mind and recalled what Vedas stated that a single ‘Pradakshina’of one’s parents would yield the fruit of ‘Bhu pradakshina’. Even half way through the full circle of the World, Sage Narada intercepted Kartikeya and conveyed that Ganesha’s wedding with Siddhi and Riddhi was in progress already (they were blessed with two sons Kshema and Labha eventually). Kartikeya felt cheated by the parents and retired at Krouncha Mountain and the parents brought Him back by cajoling the dear son who felt hurt! It is on this day of Kartika Pournami, Kartikeya’s ‘darshan’ is considered as most auspicious.

Another Story of Ganesha’s birth is indeed popular. When Nandi was asked to bar entry into the Interior Place of Parvati as She was taking bath, Nandi no doubt prevented but Bhagavan still entered and She was not amused. She decided to create an idol of a boy which was infused with life and empowered Him to challenge anybody with the necessary powers. The boy followed the instruction and did not allow entry even to Siva. The Pramadha ganas were asked to teach a lesson to the boy by Siva but they were defeated in no time. Siva Himself decided to force His entry but to no avail. Finally, an irritated Bhagavan snapped the boy’s head and Parvati became furious and Her angry manifestations surprised Siva Himself. She insisted that the boy be brought to life forth with. Siva suggested locating anybody sleeping in the northern direction and the Sivaganas were able to trace only an elephant. The severed head of the boy was fixed with that of the elephant and He was revived. The assembly of Deities who first fought with the boy and witnessed the entire scene earlier decided that any function in the World ought to be commenced with worship of Ganesha foremost as He is the Lord of preventing impediments and of providing success. Ganesha’s worship on Bhadrapada Sukla Chathurdhi is a must all over Bharatadesa as one is dreaded of becoming a victim of   undeserving blames since Moon God received a curse from Ganesha that whoever saw the Moon on the particular Chaturdhi night without worshipping Him would become a sure target!

Ganesha supresses Kubera’s arrogance:  By His very name, Vinayaka is a Jnaana Swarupa or the Symbol of Wisdom and Knowledge.  Yet, any third party seeking  to exhibit their own supremacy – especially by Devas, He could hardly stomach the false superiority. Lord Kubera the King of Yakshas once hosted  a lavish feast and among other dignitaries called on Shiva and Parvati; the noblest couple responded that due to their preoccupations, they might have to regret but would ably deputise Lord Ganesha. At the scheduled time and day, all the Devas arrived and Ganesha too. Kubera was so happy as streams of Deva ganas were arriving at Alkapuri and felt proud of himself. Ganesha too arrived and showed off condescendingly remarking to other dignitaries nearby that Parvati Parameshvaras  were busy and deputed Vinayaka instead. Then the dinner commenced with great pomp, while the invitees had thouroughly enjoyed the nine course dinner. Meanwhile however Ganesha whose appetite was unending made thousands of servers kept their  beelines gasping and tottering the supply lines. As the three crore strong Deva Ganas were bemused witnessing the failure of lakhs of servers and cooks alike, Kubera was put to shame and ran to Parameshvara couple to Kailasha with a a fist ful cooked rice by way of his offering to the illustrious Universal Parents of Maha Deva and Maha Devi. Ganesha with dissatisfied appetite too was already present there with His parents. The benign parents found a gasping Kubera running from Alkapuri to Kailasa cowed down and demoralised while prostrating Shiva- Parvati- and above all to Ganesha too.


Veda Vyasa’s negligence of Ganesha

Pursuant to Veda Vibhajana as Rig-Yahus- Saama- Adharvva Vedas, Veda Vyasa’s mental sharpness got suddenly dipped and his efforts to take up the challenge of scripting eighteeen Maha Puranas to show the beackon light on the values of Dharma and Nyaaya or Virtue and Justice  to the posterity. He approached Brahma Deva who stated that Vyasa did not invoke Ganesha for blessings and hence the problem.  Paraashara Muni’s son Veda Vyasa who is a top expert surfiet with the awareness of the past, present and future and tatva jnaani, who had the reputation of Veda Vibhajana, got self opined of his talent was puffed up in course of time and prepared himself to script Puranas. But he ignored performing salutations to Ganesha Deva and invoking him with veneration. Despite the knowledge of nitya- naimittika-kaamya kaaryas and shrouta- smaartha karmaanushthaana, he tended to forget the Primacy of Ganesha Smarana and as though he got subued by oushadhi-mantra prayoga was disabled to maintain his mental and intellectual balance. While wondering as to what was wrong with himself approached Lord Brahma for a solution , prostrated before him and asked with humility and dedication

The Essence of Bharat Yatra Smriti published by the website of kamakoti. org. is quoted as follows: ‘It is stated that Yatris be advised that after visiting the famed Temple of Badari Narayana, they should also visit the Tapta Kunda or the Agni Tirtha right nearby the famed Pancha Shilas viz. Garuda Shila, Narada Shila, Markandeya Shila, Narasimha Shila and Varaahi Shila. From Tapta Kunda where Yatris enjoy a refreshing bath in hot water of about 45 degree heat and then reach the most renowned Brahma Kapala a fairly large platform signifying Lord Brahma’s skull of one of his heads relieved by Lord Shiva as he was annoyed with Brahma as the latter got attracted to the beauty of his own creation Saraswati fit to be his own daughter. It is at this Kapala Vimochana Tirtha where Brahma performed severe Tapasya for atonement of his sin that yatris profer Pitru Shraddhas. From Brahma Kunda as Ganga flows and Alaknanda takes a turn from the mountains alongside Brahma Kapala.Then there are Atri-Anasuya Tirtha, Indrapada Tirtha, Mata Mandir, Nara Narayana Parvata, Chakra Tirtha, Satpatha and so on. From Satpatha upward the mountainous terrain is extremely difficuld to ascend and once one could do so would find a circular shaped Soma Tirtha might be visible but probably as a sheet of ice and its vicinity one might find if fortunate the Nara Narayana Mountain. On way from Satpatha to Badarinath occurs Alaknanda’s another bank and Vasudhara which is about five miles from Badarinath is the Sangam Place of Sarastati leads to Keshava Prayag and Manaagram where Veda Vyas cave is accessible inside which Vyas scripted Eighteen Maha Puranas; a few meters away is situated Ganesh Guha /cave. The Legendary background states that while Veda Vyasa was mentally scripting the Puranas, Ganesha agreed to write with his trunk on Taala Patras on the mutual agreement that Vyasa should pronounce in a non stop flow while Ganesha should write down in a non stop manner too simultaneously with no slips or interruptions on either side!


Ganesha’s wedding

Some devotees of Ganesha presume that He was a bachelor but others feel that his life partners would have to match up with his own Maha Devi Swarupa’s magnificence.But keeping in view of His presence with a peculiar physical features and as  he continued to be a bachelor, he was angry and upset and even Deva ganas- let alone human beings, were troubled at the wedding ceremonies by sending groups to mice at the wedding functions and creating problems at the eateries and wedding party residents. Groups of Devas appealed to Brahma Deva and the latter had to seek a solution. Brahma performed Ganesha Puja: To enable the Puja, Brahma manifested my his mind borne ‘upacharikas’ or helpers with the consent of Ganesha Himself viz. Siddhi and Buddhi. They are extremely beautiful and graceful with  arresting looks and exellently ornamented. They are of divya gandha-divya vastras-divya maalaa dhaaris. They performed neeraajana , pushpaanjali,  sahasra naama stotra and pradakshina. There after, Brahma prostrated to Ganesha with earnestness seeking blessings to himself as also crores of bhaktas like him. Pleased by the worship, Ganesha accepted Siddhi and Buddhi as His ‘saha dharmachaarinees’ or Life Patners. Then Brahma initiated Srishti with the benign glances of GaneshaThis was how, He had to create two ‘kanyas’.According to  Shiva Purana, both Ganesha and Skanda Kumara were desirous of Prajapati’s daughters Siddhi and Buddhi and Ganesha had won and Siddhi begot Kshema or Prosperity / Shubha or auspiciousness and Laabha or Profit to Budhi. In any case, whenever Gaṇesha is present, siddhi ‘success’ and buddhi ‘wisdom’ are not far behind. Ganesha’s relationship with the  Ashtasiddhis or the eight spiritual attaintments obtained by the practice of yoga are the eight glorious powers are represented by a group of young women who surround Ganesha. In the Shakta worship of Ganesha, the Ashta Siddhis are addressed as eight goddesses. In Ganesha Purana, these personified Ashṭa Siddhis are used by Ganesha to attack demons viz. ‘Devantakas’ are known as Anima: to reduce one’s body even to the size of an atom; Mahima or to expand body in sizes infinite; Garima; Laghima or  becoming weightless; Prapti or possessing unrestricted access to any place in the world; Prakamya or fulfillment of any wish ; Ishitva or  possessing absolute Lordship and Vashitva or to subjugate all.


Most Famous Ganesha Temples

as dotted in the length and breath devoted to Hindu Dharma.The most sacrosanct and age old Ganesha Temples in Bharat are the following 21 Kshetras:

Moreshwara: Mayuresha Ganesha is stated to be of  Ganapatya ‘Mukhananda’ Kshetra which is some 35 km from Pune in Maharashtra; Prayaga in Uttar Pradesh is ‘Omkara Ganapati’ stated to have been installed in the Adi Kalpa of the Yore and worshipped ever thereafter; Dundiraja Ganapati at Kashi Mandir; At Kalamba village near Pune is Chantamani Ganapati stated to have worshipped by Lord Indra to alleviate the curse of Gautama Maharshi and is famed to reduce the extremely difficult hardships of the devotees with faith. Adosha Ganapati on Nagpur-Chhindwaa line at Saamner is famed as Shami Vighnesha Kshetra which was stated to have been worshipped  by Vamana Avatara of Lord Vishnu to be able to suppress Bali Chakravarti and demanded three feet viz. Prithvi-Paatala-Antariksha Lokas. Pali Ganapati or Ballal Ganapati again in Maharashtra was stated to have worshipped by a Vaishya boy of Pali in Kulaba Dt. for salvation . Mangala Ganapati at Pariner on the banks of Narmada was the Kshetra where Mangal Graha was stated to have worshipped. Phaala Chandra Ganesha near  Parbhani on the Kachiguda-Manmad- where Parbhani Jyotir Linga is also situated where Lord Chandra was stated to have worshipped nearby the Sacred Godavari River flows at a place called Ganga Masale. A place called Rakshasa Bhuvana on Kachiguda Manmad Railway Line again there is Vigjnana Ganesha Khetra where Lord Dattaatereya venerated. Very near to Pune Yevur, Lord Brahma himself was stated to have worshipped Vighnanaashaka  Ganesha to ward off al hurdles and obstacles before launching his creation. The eleventh manifestation of the twenty one series of Pracheena Ganesha is at Siddhitek on Mumbai-Raichur Railway Line named Siddhi Ganesha  who was worshipped by Lord Vishnu Himself before he launched offensive against the invincible Madhu Kaitabha Demons in the form of Hayagriva. This Siddhi Vinayaka of Siddhitek was also venerated by Maharshi Veda Vyasa before he launched the onerous task of dividing the Single Veda into the present Chatur Vedas. Lord Shiva himself adored the ‘Tripura- dhwamsa’ Ganesha as the twelfth in the current series of Prachina Ganapati Deva at Manipura Kshetra at Rajan gaon near Pune. at the launch of the battle with the Asura. The next significant Ganesha Kshetra is of  Vijaya Mangala Ganeshwara at Vijayapuru / Vijaya Mangala on Chennai- Mangalore Railway line as Ganesh Deva was manifested to destroy Analasura. At Kashypashrama yet unknown about his where abouts, Kashyapa Maharshi was stated to have meditated at his Ashram and constantly worshipped  for Loka Kshema. At Jalesha pura, Tripurasura too performed puja for victory. The where abouts of these Kshetras were not known. At Lehyadri near Pune in Juwar Taluk, Devi Parvati worshipped Ganesha to be born as  her most popular son as Putra Ganesha. At Berol or Ailapur near Ellora near Aourangabad, right within  the premises of Ghrishneshwar Jyotir Linga afore mentioned, Ganesha Murti was set up by Skanda Deva as Lakshya Vinayaka. At ‘praacheena’ Pravala Kshetra called Padmalaya Tirtha, on Mumbai- Bhusaval Line of Railways,  Karta Veeryajuna venerated both Ganesha and Shesha Sarpa on the banks of Ugama Sarovara. At Naamalagao from Jalna to Beed road is the Amalaakama Kshetra, Lord Yama Dharma Raja was stated to have worshipped Ganesha to ward off the curse of his mother on the banks of Sadbuddhiprada Tirtha.The penultimate ‘pracheena’ Ganesh is at Raja sadana Kshetra where Sindurasura was killed by himself and taught Ganesha Gita to Varenya Raja and eversince became popular as ‘Ganapati Rajur Kshetra’. Among the most illustrious Pradhana Ganapati Kshetras of the times immemorial, the twenty first and ever popular one is at Shveta Vighneshwara Kshetra at Kumbhakokam in Tamilnadu on the banks of the Sacred River Kaveri Sudha Ganesha Murti who was worshipped by Deva Danavas before the churning of Ksheera Sagara for the manifestation of Amrit!

Extensive presence of Ganesha elsewhere: It is not a possible task of counting country wide presence of Ganesha Mandirs as each and every village, township, city is replete with them all at countless street corners, for all the Hindus and of other faiths would not only venerate as a habit but many are even obssessed with His presence, since who indeed is such as to ignore the launch of any action seeking auspiciousness! All the same some of the very popular Ganesha Temples- quite apart from sub-temples in the main temples of Devas and Devis, are mentioned : Andhra: Hydereabad/ Secunderabad at Nampalli, Karvan Shahu, Vijay Nagar, Lalguda, Turkman gate,Station Road, Marepalli, Lalapet, and Mahindra Hills; Bhadrachalam, Draksharama, Kalahasti, Kani-pakkam; Rayadurg, Vijaywada-Bihar Sharif, Deoghar; Mandara Parvat; Raj Griha, Masai near Arra;Ramgarha, Ucchita- Delhi Siddha Buddhi Vinayaka, Sarojini Nagar, Vinyaka Mandir, Connaght Place-Goa:Khandole,Bandiwade- Gujarat: Bhadra Ganapati in Ahmedabad; Baroda Siddha nadha;Dushiraraj Ekadanta, Sarvarkar Ganapati; Dharangadhara Eka Danta; Girnar Mt. Revati Ganapati; Modhera,Navari, Samlaji; Somnatha Durga Kuta Ganapati; Baijnatha Ganapati;- Karnataka: Bangalore: Panchamukha, Jambu Ganapati at Malleswaram; Dodda Ganapati at Kempegouda; Gokarana;Hampi Vighnantaka; Kollur Pancha Mukha Ganapati-Kashmir, Srinagar: Near by, a rock at the rock bottom of Hariparbar worshipped as Ganapati Bhimaswamin; Ganesh Bal Swayambhu on Rivar Lidar and Ganesh ghati nearSharada shrine-Kerala: Shrimadnant Temple’s Trigarsthapit Ganesha; Kochi’s Royal Palace’s Dasha Hasta Panchaloha Murti; Panangad Swayayambhu Murti; Calicut’s Maha Ganapati; Guruvayur’s Ganesha Temple; Maha Ganapati near Kasargod; Tiruvanantapura’s Agrasala Ganapati’ Pazhavangadi Ganapati and Mangala Vinayakar- Madhya Pradesh’s Amarkantak Dwibhuja Siddhi Vinayaka; Indore’s 4m tall Bada Ganesh; Omkareshwar’sPancha Mukha Ganesgha; Ujjain’s Chintamani, Bade Ganesh and Nishkalankeshwar Ganesh; Maharashtra’s Ashta Vinayaka Temples: Mayureshwara at Moregaon; Siddhi Vinayaka at Sidditek; Ballala Vinayaka at Pali; Varada Vinayaka at Madha;Vighneshweara at Ojhar; Girija Mataa Temple at Lohyadri near Pune;Maha Ganapati at Ranjan gaon and Chitamani at Theur. Besides, Maharashtra is flooded with Ganesha Temples such as Vakratunda at Aawas; Swami Vighnesha at Adosha near Nagpur; Ganesha and Hanuman as Protective devatas at Ahmednagar; Laksha Vinayaka at Berola; Mangala Murti at Chinchwad; Ganapatiphule the famed Swayambhu near seashore a in Ganesh form hill worthy of Parikrama; Dasha bhuja Lakshmi Ganesha at Hedvi in RatnagirinDt. Where Magh Ganesha Jayanti is performed on grand scale; Cave Ganesha at Junnar; Digambar Siddhi Ganesha at Kadav; Ekachakra Ganesha where Bhima of Pandavas worshipped before killing Bakasura; Chitrakuta Ganesha at Nanded; Shri Ganapati with trunk turned its right and is spiritually awaken as at Nagpur; Modakeshwara at Nasik; Dagdusetha Halwai Ganapati at Pune; Dashabhuja Vinayaka erected by Peshwas at Pune; Tishuna Ganapati at Pune; Ganapati Murti like Hanuman of 1.8 m with mace and slim stomach near Pune; Swayambhu Ganesha installed over a Shiva Linga on the banks of River Krishna ar Sangli; and Siddhi Vinaka Temples at at Prabha Devi and Jetha Kapad Market; besides at Borivilli, Dadar and Goregaon-Odisha: Maha Vinayakla Temples at Cuttak; Siddhi Vinayaka at Dashashvamedha Ghat on the banks of Vaitarani; Ganesh Cave at Khandagiri near Bhuvaneshwar and Ajanatha Ganesha in the Jagannadha Temple at Puri. Tamil nadu: There are as many as 120 Vinayaka Temples in Chennai alone, literally at every important street! Examples are Ishta Siddhi Vinayagar Temple, Sundar Vinayagar at Gandhi Nagar, Ananda Vinayagar at Madhya Kailash in Adyar;Poiyya Varada Vinayagar at Alwar pet, Prasanna Vinayagar Temple, Flower Bazar, some 20 plus Vinayagar Temples in George Town alone, as many as 22 in Mylapore; Vara Shakti Vinayagar Temple at Nanganallur to name just a few. Eacchanari Vinaygar Temple with an ancient idol of Asia’s biggest 6 ft height and 3 ft width is popular in Coimbatore. Pilliarpatti Karpaga Vinayagar of rock carved idol of 4th century antiquity is famed in Tirupatthur with its trunk hurled to the right side near Karaikudi. Kubhakonam is famed with Ucchipilliar, Sudha Ganesha, Adi Kampatta Vinayagar and otherTemples; Tiruvalanchuzhi Koil etc.Madurai, besides at Mayapuram, Nagapattinam, Tiruchentankudi near Nalliyam with Vatapi Ganapati and so on. In Uttara Pradesh, Omkara Ganapati at Allhabad and Dhundi Raja at Varanasi are popular.Ashtabhuja Temple at Vadanagar on the banks of Hoogly is popular in West Bengal. In South East Asia Ganesha Temples are popular in Cambodia, Indonesia / Bali; Malyasia, Nepal, Singapore, Srilanka while in Australia especially Brisbane, Adelaide and Melborne; Canada mainly at Brapton, Scarborough, Toronto in Ontario and Edmonton in Alberta; Manikka Vinayakar Aalayam in Paris; in Germany at Haltingen; Hamm and Heilbronn. In South Africa, Vinayaka Temples are popular at Durban, Ladysmith and Mt.Edgecombe. In London Shri Ganapati Temple is popular at Effra Rd; while in USA at Anchorage in Alaska, Flushing and Flushing Meadow in New York; Nashville in Tennessee; Pheanix in Arizona, Salt Lake City in Utah and Seattle in Washington.


Maha Ganesha Prayers

  1. Shuklaambara dharam Devam shashivarnam chaturbhujam, prasanna vadanam dhyaayet sarva vighnompashantaye/ The singular Deva who dons spotless clothes with four arms and ever pleasant face viz. Ganesha be prayed to with devotion to root out all kinds of impediments and difficulties.
  2. Agajaanana padmaarkam Gajaananamaharnisham aneka dantam bhaktaanaam eka dantam upaasmahe/ May we worship Gajaanana the elephant faced God with a single tusk who is the darling boy of Devi Parvati and delight her face like  Sun blooms the lotus and thus please the devotees like me ensuring our safety and fulfilment of desires.
  3. Om Ganaanaamtva Ganapatigm havaamahe kavim kaveenaamupashravastamam,Jyeshtha raajam  Brahmanaam Brahmanaspat aa nah shrunvaritibhih seeda saadanam/ May we appeal to you the very First Deity, the Lord of Lords, the foremost Poet and Scripter, the Supreme of Spritual Knowledge and wisdom. Be with us in our hearts to bless and purify all our deeds and duties.
  1. Vakratunda mahaa kaaya koti Suryasamaprabha, nirvighnam kurumedeva sarva kaaryeshu sarvadaa/ Vakratunda mahaa kaaya koti Suryasamaprabha, nirvighnam kurumedeva sarva kaaryeshu sarvadaa/ Maha Ganesha with collossal body and elephant head resplendent with the radiance of billion Suns! we beseech you with all humility and devotion to destroy all obstacles and ensure success in our deeds of virtue.
  2. Gajaananam bhuta ganaadi sevitam kapittajambuphalasaarabhakshitam, Umaasutam shoka vinaasha kaaranam namaami Vighneshwara paada pankajam/ Gajaanana Deva! You are ever followed by a huge band of ‘bhuta ganas’ as your followers as you enjoy your favorite fruits of kapittha and jamboo / wood and rose apples! As the elder son of Devi Uma, you have the reputation of being as ‘Avighna Deva’ as the destroyer of sorrows and impediments. May we prostrate at your lolus feet for success in our deeds.
  3. Sumukhaschaika dantascha kapilo gaja karnikah, Lambodarascha vikato Vighna naasho Ganaadhi -pah/Dhumraketurganaadhyaksho phaalachandro Gajaananah, dwaadashaitaani naamaani yah pathe- cchrunu yaadapi/ Vidyaarambhe Vivaahecha praveshe nirgame tathaa,sangraame sankate chiva vighna- stasya na jaayate/ Sumukha – Ekadanta -.Kapila – Gajakarnika -Lambodara -Vikata- Vighnanaasha – Ganaadhipa- Dhumraketu – Ganaadhyaksha – Phalachandra – Gajaanana– these are the twelve titles of Ganesha once recited, no obscacles could ever be faced at the beginnings of Vidyaaramba- Vivaha- the Beginning or even Exit such as of successful battle field and any such of Acts of auspiciousness.
  4. Eka dantam maha kaayam tapta kanchana sannibham, lambodaram vishaalaaksham, vandeham Gananaayakam/ We bow with awe stricken admiration and veneration the single tusked, giant bodied, huge bellied, large eyed and of molten gold like complexion.
  5. Eka dantaaya vidmahe vakra tundaaya dheemahe, tannno Danti prachodayaat/ May the Glorious Ganesha with Single Tusk and Curved Trunk  induce and inspire of all of us to lead us to the path of Dharma or Unfailing Righteousness.
  6. Vinayako Vighnakaro Gajasyo Ganesha naamaacha Bhavasya Putrah, Yethecha Sarvam thava yanthu Bhruthya Vinayakayaah Kruura drishtah Prachandah-Vucchushma daanaadi vuvruddhva dehaha Karyeshu siddhim prati paadayanthah, Bhavaamsva Deveshu thadha makeshu kaaryashu chanteshu Mahanubhavat-Agreshu Pujam Labhatenyatha cha Vinashayishyastatha kaarya siddhim’ ( Vinayaka, Vighnakara, Gajavadana, Ganesha, Shankara Putra; all these cruel-eyed, harsh and angry Vinayaks will be your servants; those who are desirous of giving well earned materials as ‘daanas’ or alms be provided with Siddhis or boons. At Yajnas or various Propitious Tasks, all the devotees shall be provided the highest veneration, lest their tasks or worships be discounted’).
  7. Namasthe Gajavaktraya Namasthe Gananayaka, Viyayaka Namastestu Namaste Chanda Vikrama-Namastestu tey Vighna kartha Namaste Sarpa Mekhala Namaste Rudra Vaktrotha Pralambajathara ashrita- Sarva Deva Namaskaaraad avighnam kuru Sarvada (‘We greet you Gajavadana, Gananayaka, Prachanda Vikrama, Vighna kartha, Naga bhushana, Rudra Mukha Utpanna, Lambodhara, Avighna Karaka, Kalyana Pradaata ; Sarva devas are greeting you, Kindy ensure that we enjoy Avighnam always)


Ganesha Panchakam

Mudaa karaatta modakam sadaa vimukti saadhakam, Kalaa dhara avatamsakam vilaasi loka-rakshakam/ Anaayakaika naayakam vinaashitebha daityakam, nataashubhaashu naashakam namaami Vinaayakam/

Ganesha! My prostrations to you as you have in your hands a ‘Modaka’with which you seek to usher joy to your devotees; holding Chandra as your ornament to bring in contentment to them; as the supreme master providing protection and destroy evil energies within; and to surrendering devotees to gift all -round auspiciousness.

Natetara atibheekaram navodita Arkabhaasvaram, namatsuraari nirjaram nataadhika aapaduddharam,
Suraishvaram  nidheesvaram Gajeshvaram Ganeshwaram, Maheshvaram tamaashraye Paraatparam nirantaram/

To those who out of arrogance do not bow to Devas, Vinayaka! You deliver them a frightning form but to the God Fearing devotees of faith, you gift them with benign form of Ushah kaala Surya of glory; You are ever fresh and never tiring not to mention of decay, always greeted by Devas reverentially; ever instant to pull out from deep sorrows and difficulties; indeed you are Sureshvara, Nidhishvara, Gajeshvara and Ganeshvara or the Deva of Devas- Deva of Opulence-Deva with an Elephant Face and  Deva of Devas and the Great God Maheshvara Himself; My earnest prostrations to you in total surrender.

Samastaloka Shankaram nirasta daitya kunjaram, daraitarodaram varam varebha vaktram aksharam,
kripaakaram kshamaakaram mudaakaram yashaskaram manaskaram namaskrtaam namaskaromi bhaasvaram/

Maha Vinayaka! Our sincere salutations to you as the Flagship of Auspicious Power   behind Trilokas and the Great Eliminator of all the external evils and the internal demonaic forces; Ganesha! Your huge body is truly representative of  Prosperity, Boon-Giving  benevolence and Imperishable Nature at once. You are Kripakara-Kshamakara-Mudakara-Yashaskara-Manaskara or He who showers grace-forgiveness-joy- glory and wisdom! Our heart felt dedications to you with earnestness.

Akinchanaartimaarjanam chirantanokti bhaajanam Puraari poorvanandanam Suraarigarvacharvanam/
Prapancha naasha bheeshanam Dhananjayaadi bhuushanam, Kapoladaana vaarananam bhaje Puraana-Vaaranam/

Maha Ganesha! You are the refuge of those who are tormented by sufferings, you are the elder brother of Kartikeya and the proud elder son of Tripurantaka as also  the destroyer of the pride and arrogance of Daitya Danavas. You are the Head of the Illustrative Pancha Bhutas or the Five Elemens  and the Enjoyer of the juices of Itihasa Puranas which are the representation of the grace of virtue and nyaaya as your symbols ever active seeking to destroy the evil and ever protect positive energies of the Universe!

Nitaanta kaanta danta kaantim antakaantaka aatmajam, Acintya ruupam Anta heenam Antaraaya-krantanam/ Hrdantare nirantaram vasantameva Yoginaam  tameka Dantameva tam vichintayaami Santatam/

My reverential greetings to Vighnesha! Your form of grace is of Ekadanta readily endearing your devotees; your glory is of the gracious son of Parama Shiva who has the potent break to Yama the Antaka Himself! Your elusive form is Inconceivable and Limitless, yet  Cuts through the Obstacles of His Devotees.  Gana Nayaka! You continually abide in the cave of  the heart of the Yogis. Ekadanta! We are ever in our hearts as youindeed are unique!

Mahaa Ganesha Panhca Ratnam aadarenna yonvaham, Prajapati prabhaatake hridi smaran Ganeshvaram/ Arogataam adossataam susaahiteem suputrataam samaahitasayurasstta bhuutimabhy-upaiti sochiraat/

Who so ever recites the Unique Ganesha Pancharatnam with Devotion, utter at the early mornings contemplating on Sri Ganeshvara in their Hearts will get free from diseases and vices, will get  auspicious Spouses and Good Sons, will get Long Life and the  Powers soon.

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