Nag Panchami 2021


August 2021


Nag Panchami Starts in : 13/08/2021

Nag Panchami Ends in : 13/08/2021

2021 Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami 2021

Nag Panchami 2021

Nag Panchami on Friday, August 13, 2021

Nag Panchami Puja Muhurat – 05:49 to 08:28

Duration – 02 Hours 39 Mins

Nag Pancham date in Gujarat – Friday, August 27, 2021

Panchami Tithi Begins – 15:24 on Aug 12, 2021

Panchami Tithi Ends – 13:42 on Aug 13, 2021

Shukla Paksha Panchami during Sawan month is observed as Nag Panchami. Usually, Nag Panchami day falls two days after Hariyali Teej. Currently, Nag Panchami falls in the month of July and August in English calendar. Women worship Nag Devta and offer milk to snakes on this day. Women also pray for the wellness of their brothers and family.

Interestingly Nag panchami is also called as Garuda Panchami as Garuda, the royal eagle, is the natural enemy of the Snakes and serpents and worshiping Garuda on this day also grants a protective shield against all snake related malefic conditions in ones natal chart.

Some people keep fast one day before Nag Panchami and the fasting day before Nag Panchami is known as Nag Chaturthi or Nagul Chavithi. In Andhra Pradesh Nag Chaturthi or Nagul Chavithi is observed just after Diwali and coincides with six days long festivity of Soora Samharam in Tamil Nadu.

In Gujarat Nag Panchami is observed 15 days later than that of most other states. According to new moon to new moon lunar calendar followed in Gujarat, Nag Panchami falls during Krishna Paksha Panchami of Shravana month. Nag Panchmi is more popularly known as Nag Pancham in Gujarat and usually observed three days before Krishna Janmashtami festivities.

In Gujarat Bola Choth is celebrated one day before Nag Pancham day. Bola Choth is also known as Bahula Chauth and falls one day before Nag Pancham day. Cattles especially cows are worshipped on Bol Choth day.

Nag Panchami Rituals

  • Devotees go to temples and snake pits in temples to worship the Nagas.
  • Devotees take vrat on the Panchami day and have food only in the evening.
  • By praying the Naga Devatas one is freed from the fear of snakes and serpents and it is also believed to protect us from all evils.
  • Devotees worshiping the serpents on Naga Panchami day should not dig the ground for farming or for any other reason.
  • It definitely rains on this day as it is believed that the gods shower their blessings in the form of rain on the hood of the snake.
  • Ant hills and snake pits are worshiped by offering milk, a pinch of turmeric and kumkum.
  • Perform the Naga archana or Puja in your local temples to get relief from Naga Dosha.
  • No Hindu home may fry anything on the day of Nag Panchami. Only boiled and steamed food is preferred to be eaten


Nag Panchami Mantra

Sarva Nagaah preeyantam mey yey kechit Prithivithaley,
yey cha helimarichistha yentarey Divi samstithah
Yey Nadeeshu Mahanaga ye Sarasvati gaaminah,
yey cha Vaapee tadagashu teshu sarveshu vai namah

Meaning: May all Nagas whether on Earth, Sky, Swarga, in the Sun rays, Sarovaras or lakes, wells or other water bodies, be appeased as we greet these deities again and again.