What do you believe happens after death?

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  • #174399
    Vanessa Anderson

    Years ago my body got wrecked from a car crash, and since then my health has been declining… This year has been terrible and it looks like I might not live much longer….
    I spend a long time each day thinking about death. I wonder if the soul ends up staying in the spirit world for eternity or if it eventually comes back to earth or some other planet. And I wonder if I’ll remember any of this when I leave this body or if I’ll just become a totally different conciousness

    I’m curious about what you think happens to the soul after it leaves the body?


    how can someone tell that what happens after death??
    its impossible to predict


    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as people believe in the afterlife very drastically.
    Most people believe that some sort of existence beyond this world is possible. Some believe that the soul is reborn into another body,
    while others believe that the soul drifts away and ceases to exist. What is clear, however, is that much we don’t
    know about what happens to the soul after death.

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