आपो हि ष्ठा मयोभुवस्था ऊर्जे दधातन
महे रणाथ चक्षसे ॥१॥

यो वः शिवतमो रसस्तस्य भाजयतेह नः
उशतीरिव मातरः ॥२॥

तस्मा अरं गमाम वो यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ
आपो जनयथा नः ॥३॥

शं नो देवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये
शं योरभि स्रवन्तु नः ॥४॥

ईशाना वार्याणां क्षयन्तीश्चर्षणीनाम्
अपो याचामि भेषजम् ॥५॥

अप्सु मे सोमो अब्रवीदन्तर्विश्वानि भेषजा
अग्नि विश्वशंभुवम् ॥६॥

आपः पृणीत भेषजं वरूथं तन्वेऽ मम
ज्योक्च सूर्यं दृशे ॥७॥

इदमापः प्र वहत यत्किं दुरितं मयि
यद्वाहमभिदुद्रोह यद्वा शेप उतानृतम् ॥८॥

आपो अद्यान्वचारिषं रसेन समगस्महि
पयस्वानग्न गहि तं मा सं सृज वर्चसा ॥९॥


O Water, because of your presence, the Atmosphere is so refreshing, and imparts us with vigour and strength.
We revere you who gladdens us by your Pure essence.

O Water, this auspicious Sap of yours, please share with us,
Like a Mother desiring (to share her best possession with her children).

O Water, when your invigorating essence goes to one affected by weakness, it enlivens him,
O Water, you are the source of our lives.

O Water, may the auspicious divinity which is wished for be present in you when we drink (water).
May the auspiciousness which supports you, flow to us.

O Water, may the divinity in Water dwell in the Farm lands,
O Water, I implore you to give nutrition (to the crops).

O Water, Soma told me that in Water is present all Medicinal Herbs of the World, …
and also Agni (Fire) who brings auspiciousness to the World.

O Water, you are abundantly filled with Medicinal Herbs; Please protect my body, …
so that I can see the Sun for long (i.e. I live long).

O Water, please wash away whatever wicked tendencies are in me, …
and also wash away the treacheries burning me from within, and any falsehood present in my Mind.

O Water, today, to you who is pervaded by fine Rasa (Invigorating Sap) I came,
I deeply enter (i.e. bathe) in you who is pervaded by Agni (Fire Principle); May that Agni produce lustre in me.