Adiyogi - Lord Shiva - The First Teacher of Yoga
Ancient Indian Literature, Daily Life and Practices, Hindu Gods, Hinduism, Interesting Hindu Mythology Stories, Linga Purana, Sanskrit Texts, Spirituality

Shiva and Shaivism – Origin, Beliefs, Practices, History & mentions in Vedas

Shiva, also known as Mahadeva, is one of Hinduism’s most important deities. In Shaivism, one of Hinduism’s primary traditions, he is the Supreme Being. The Sanskrit word “iva” (शिव, often transliterated as shiva) denotes “auspicious, propitious, cordial, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly,” according to Monier Monier-Williams. In folk etymology, the root words for iva are śī, […]

Shiva Linga - Paadal petra Shivathalangal
Ancient Indian Literature, Daily Life and Practices, Hindu Gods, Hinduism, Linga Purana, Spirituality, Vrat Katha

Spiritual & Symbolic Significance of Maha Shivratri

Mahashivratri, or “The Great Event of Shiva,” is a spiritually significant night. Sadhguru discusses why Mahashivratri is observed, as well as how we should take use of this opportunity. There used to be 365 celebrations in a year in Indian culture. To put it another way, they just wanted a reason to party every day […]

Pashupata Yoga, Vividha Lingas, Murti Pratishtha, Shivalayaas and Archana Vidhi
Ancient Indian Literature, Ancient Indian Science, Daily Life and Practices, Essence of Maha Pancha Bhutas, Hinduism, Interesting Hindu Mythology Stories, Linga Purana, Uncategorized

Shiv Mahapuran – Essence

The Shiva Purana focuses primarily on Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, but refers to and venerates all the gods in Hinduism. The Shiva Purana claims that it once contained 24,000 verses written in the Seven Samantha, however, Purana adds that it was abbreviated and composed by Romaharshana. The Greatness of Shiva Purana The Shiva Purana […]

Pashupaasha Vimochana, Uma Maheswara and other Shiva Vratas
Linga Purana

Pashupaasha Vimochana, Uma Maheswara and other Shiva Vratas

Sanatkumara Muni described the details of Pashupaasha Vrata to Maharshi Shailadi and Nandi Deva explained it briefly; Brahma and Vishnu accomplished the Vrata foremost and was followed by Indra and Devas and subsequently by Danava-Daitya-Siddha and others. This Vrata was stated to have absorbed the essence of the six Vedangas for the worship of Dwadasha […]

Tripurasur Vadh - Shiva Killing Tripurasura - Linga Purana-1
Linga Purana

Lord Shiva Destroys Tripurasura – Tripurasur Vadh from Linga Purana

As Skanda Deva killed Tarakasura, the three sons of the latter viz. Vydyunmaali, Kamalaaksha and Tarakaksha were united and performed relentless Tapasya to Brahma seeking invincibility. As Brahma clarified that none among the Beings were immortal, they scaled down their wishes to the following: they would build three flying ‘Puraas’ or Cities which could move […]

Shiva Samkalpamastu
Linga Purana

Shiva Samkalpamastu : Maharshi Parashara’s Rudrarchana and glory to his Vamsha

Vasishtha Muni and his spouse Arundhati had a son named Shakti. As the Muni was engaged in a Yagna Kaarya by King Kalmashaapada, a Rakshasa named Rudhira killed and ate up Shakti and his brothers, apparently instigated by Vishwamitra Muni. At this heart-rending news,Vasihtha and Arundhati were so much grieved that they decided to jump […]

Shiva’s Samishthi Swarupa
Linga Purana

Shiva’s Samishthi Swarupa

Bhurbhubhuvah swarmahaschaiva Janah Saakshaattapastathaa, Satyalokascha Pataalam Narakaarnavakotayah/ Taarakaagraha Somaarko Dhruvah Saptarshyastathaa, Vaimaanikaastathaaney cha tishthantasya prasaadatah/ Anena Nirmitaastwevam tadaatmaano Dwijarshabhaah, Samishthirupah Sarvaatmaa Samshitah Savadaa Shivah/ Sarvaatmaanam Mahaatmaanam Mahaa Devam Maheswaram, Na vijaananti Samoodhaa Maayayaa tasya mohitaah/ Tasya Devasya Rudrasya Shariram vai Jagatrayam, Tasmaat pranaamya tam Vakshey Jagataam nirnayam Shubham/ (The totality of Bhur, Bhuva, Swaha, Maha, […]

Superiority of Shiva Shakti
Linga Purana

The Superiority of Shiva Shakti – The Interaction Between Muni Dadichi and King Kshupa

Brahma’s son King Kshupa and Maha Muni Dadhichi the son of Maharshi Chyavana were good friends but got entangled in an argument whether Kshatriyas were superior to Brahmanas. The King argued that the ‘Ashtadikpalakaas’ or the Rulers viz. Agni, Indra, Varuna, Vaayu, Nirruti, Kubera and Yama and Soma and Kingship had the last ‘say’ in […]

Origin of Shiva Linga and Significance of Aatithya, Paativratya, Bhakti and Bhasma
Linga Purana

Origin of Shiva Linga and Significance of Aatithya, Paativratya, Bhakti and Bhasma

In the secluded and thick Forests of Daruvana, select Munis including Sapta Rishis and Maha Yogis were engaged in deep Tapasya along with their wives and children. As the Munis were busy with their meditation and Yagna Karmas, the wives who were all Maha Pativratas were serving them in their spiritual activities and family chores. […]